Legacy:Dirk Fist
Hi Ive been playing with uscript for about 5 months
Tarquin: Hi, welcome :)
Dirk Fist: Hi, Tarquin (mind if I call you Tarq?)
Tarquin: Go ahead :) everyone else does! I've even put 'tarq' in my list of IRC alerts! ;)
Dirk: Oh, and Hi FoxPaw, thanks for responding to my question :D
My First Wiki Project :)
What page should it go on ?
Can I upload a .u or .unr file ?
Tarquin: You can go ahead and create a page DynaMusic. :)
DynaMusic optional music for mappers !
- Follow the directions for Embedding Code
- Place dynamusic actor on your map
- Right click on it to bring up properties
- Select the DynaMusic/LoadSong property and type in the song "PackageName.SongName" you want to be optional
- Right click on empty part of map to bring up the level properties
- Change audio/song to one of the standard UT music packages ( this package won't be optional )
The way it works:
- When the player connects DynaMusic attempts to load music package
- If it's successful it overides the maps default music (as defined in Level properties), with the optional music
<uscript> //============================================================================= // DynaMusic. By Dirk Fist with all do credit to the people of the Wiki //============================================================================= class DynaMusic expands Actor;
var() string LoadSong; var music song; var PlayerPawn MusicPlayer; var bool bMusicStarted; var int started;
replication { // Variables which will cause replication to all (relevant) clients
reliable if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) started,LoadSong;
function PreBeginPlay() // executed on server {
started +=1; // force replication Super.PreBeginPlay();
auto simulated state startup { Begin:
log("Started",'Dynamusic'); song = music(DynamicLoadObject( LoadSong, class'Music',True)); if (song!=None) { // we got a song lets find player log(string(song.Class),'Dynamusic');
foreach AllActors(class 'PlayerPawn', MusicPlayer) if (Viewport(MusicPlayer.Player) != None) break; if (MusicPlayer != None) { // We got player lets play MusicPlayer.ClientSetMusic( song, Level.SongSection, Level.CdTrack, MTRAN_Fade ); log(MusicPlayer.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName,'Dynamusic'); } }
defaultproperties {
bAlwaysRelevant=True RemoteRole=ROLE_SimulatedProxy
} </uscript>
Dirk Fist: Found some info on making the packages optional http://unreal.epicgames.com/UTMagic.html#PackageFlags
Dirk Fist: If any one knows another way I'd be glad to hear it? Since I don't want to cause version conflicts for maps that use non-optional umx(ogg?) version of the file, Since this is a mapping component and many mappers will probably borrow music from other maps.