UE3:UTTypes (UT3)

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UT3 Object >> UTTypes
This class in other games:

This will hold all of our enums and types and such that we need to use in multiple files where the enum can't be mapped to a specific file. Also to make these type available to the native land without forcing objects to be native.

Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


See UTTypes enums.



Modifiers: native

float Tempo
Default Tempo in Beats per Minute. *
MusicSegment Action
MusicSegment Ambient
MusicSegment Intro
MusicSegment Suspense
MusicSegment Tension
MusicSegment Victory


Modifiers: native

float TempoOverride
Tempo in Beats per Minute. This allows for the specific segement to have a different BPM *
ECrossfadeType CrossfadeRule
crossfading always begins at the beginning of the measure *
int CrossfadeToMeNumMeasuresDuration
How many measures it takes to crossfade to this MusicSegment

(e.g. No matter which MusicSegement we are currently in when we crossfade to this one we will fade over this many measures.

SoundCue TheCue

Default values:

Property Value
CrossfadeRule CFT_BeginningOfMeasure
CrossfadeToMeNumMeasuresDuration 1


Modifiers: native

SoundCue Died
SoundCue DoubleKill
SoundCue EnemyGrabFlag
SoundCue FirstKillingSpree
SoundCue FlagReturned
SoundCue GrabFlag
SoundCue Kill
SoundCue LongKillingSpree
SoundCue MajorKill
SoundCue MonsterKill
SoundCue MultiKill
SoundCue ReturnFlag
SoundCue ScoreLosing
SoundCue ScoreTie
SoundCue ScoreWinning