Legacy:Enos Shenk
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Episkipos Enos Shenk the Jesus-Stalker, KSC, HBB
Name: Markhoff Chaney (No not really)
Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Age: 23
Stuff i do:
- Gamer
- Paintball Technology Geek
- Webmaster
- PHP Coder
- UT Mapper dude
- ShoutCast DJ
- Champion of stepping on biosludge in UT2004
Websites I webmaster directly:
- http://www.paintballchat.net - My pride and joy, im also the main IRC/Services administrator
- http://www.paintballtech.org - My PBTech Wiki that nobody ever really uses
Other websites i like:
- http://www.tippmann.com - Tippmann Pneumatics, Im also a moderator on their forums
- http://www.macaddict.com - Proud fence-sitting mac user (No im not a zealot, go away)
- http://www.ataricommunity.com - I release all my 2004 maps there
- http://www.elysiun.com - I dabble in 3D art sometimes. Too bad im spoiled by Blender with its obscure interface, i cant stomach Maya or Max now.
- http://www.blender.org - All about Blender
My maps:
- UT99
- DM-Claustrophobia - Nifty map using 6 crosshatched hallways with warp zones. Think infinite, and dodge your own rockets.
- DM-Comm - Full name was D.I.M.S. Comm Station. Amataur but FUN! Imagine a network of platforms floating in outer space with a skybox spinning twice as fast as Face and on 3 axes. DIMS means "Doom Induced Motion Sickness" by the way.
- DM-Tower - Something i rambled on and built over the course of like 6 months. No plans, just on the fly mapping.
- UT2004
- ONS-Stranglehold - My first 200x map. Terrain with a twist, i DO love hazards. Download
- ONS-LunaticFringe - Big donut, big lava, but im not happy with it. Download
- ONS-Castaway - A nice day on your own private pacific isle. Can you tell i like round maps? Download
- DM-Q1DM1 - Remake of DM1 "The Place of Two Deaths" from Quake Download
- DM-Q1DM4 - Futuristic remix of DM4 "The Bad Place" from Quake. Goodbye lava, hello long karma-ridden fall! Download
- Under Construction for 2k4
- DM-Q1DM5 - Beta right now, remake of DM5 "The Cistern" from Quake Download
- Planned for 2k4
- DM-Q1DM2 - Claustrophobopolis, im thinking futuristic.
- DM-Q1DM3 - The Abandoned Base, not looking forward to this at all. Its big and mean.
- DM-Q1DM6 - Dark Zone, Ill probably do this one next, i have some cool ideas for special effects and lighting.
- CTF-Untitled - Ive got a sketch of a CTF layout sitting on my desk, but im too busy remaking Quake maps :)
Tarquin: Hi! Welcome to unreal wiki :D
EntropicLqd: Hello and welcome. The Abandoned Base is one of my all time favourite maps.