
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 00:36, 28 May 2008 by Raven (talk | contribs) (Download)


RMusicPlayer is new version of RvMp3Player. The code has been completly rewritten, this time using FMODEX. Features:

  • Mod support (you can subclass RMusic_Player to define new music directory)
  • Save support in SP games
  • Supports many audio files (flac, mp2, mp3, ogg, wma, wav)
  • Crossfades/fades in/fades out music

Current bugs (will be fixed):

  • DSP plugins - everything loads fine, but I can't hear difference :)
  • You can't have more then one DSP plugin
  • Additional codecs doesn't work

Class tree

+- Actor_(UT)
   +- RMusic_Component - holds everything toghether and implements some basic functions
       +- RMusic_Controller - controls RMusic_Player
       +- RMusic_Player - plays music. This class is spawned either by RMusic_Controller or game type/console.
       +- RMusic_Save - spawned by RMusic_Controller. Stores information about last used RMusic_Controller


link: RMusicPlayer (~603kb)