Unreal Tournament (1/2003/2004) comes with a number of gametypes, and more are created by modders. Each gametype has its own rules for the player, and sometimes its own systems of actors that must be implemented by the mapper. Just as important, the general gameplay aspect of a map is influenced by the gametype it is designed for. This topic page lists pages that cover individual gametypes. For a full list of available gametypes, see the subclass tree at GameInfo.
Standard Game Types
UT2004 only gametypes:
Unreal Tournament only gametypes:
Unreal 1 gametypes:
UT2004 Mods
- Mapping for OSM Adventure
- Mapping for BR4
- Mapping for CTF4
- Mapping for Flag Domination
- Mapping For UTXMP
UT2003 Mods
- Mapping for Find The Ball
- Mapping for Flag Domination
- Mapping for Jailbreak
- Mapping for One Flag Capture
UT Mods
- Mapping for FEBA
- Mapping For UT Jailbreak
- Mapping for King of the Hill
- Mapping for MCTF
- Mapping for RocketArena
- Mapping for Monster Hunt
- Monster_Arena_Mapping
- Mapping for UnrealFortress
- Mapping for TTR
Other Gametypes
Mod pages
A number of mods have dedicated pages on the wiki:
- Jailbreak
- Esc, and Esc/FAQ
- ThieveryUT
Related Topics
- Mapping Lessons
- GameInfo – The class that determins gametype
- Topics On Mapping
- Gameplay – The concept in general
- Map Design – Game concepts related to mapping
- Map Flow – Maximizing replay value through design
- Z-Axis – Effectively using the dimension of height in map layouts
- Map Ideas – A breeding ground for new maps
- Mod Ideas – A breeding ground for new mods
- Map File Prefix
Sweavo: Should fill in all the actual gametype names here. Obviously there are new ones coming along from time to time, but the official ones can be listed and the Power of Wiki can be left to deal with the rest.
Milambyr: What about VCTF??
Phoenix: AlphaCoop is another one I would like dealt with.
SuperApe: Mapping for VCTF page created.
EricBlade: May I suggest renaming it "Unreal Tournament Game Types"?
Tarquin: Non-UT gametypes are welcome here :) ... at least until the page gets too big.
Tarquin: Sorry, the key idea is hideous. If you prefer a flat list, just use the game names, they are short enough.