UE3:UnrealEd toolbar

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This article provides an overview of the Unreal Editor's main toolbar.

The toolbar of Unreal Tournament 3 Editor.
The toolbar of Unreal Tournament 3 Editor.
New level, like File -> New.
Opens a level, like File -> Open.
Brings up a list of recently opened levels, like File -> Recent.
Saves the current level, like File -> Save Current Level.
Save All
Saves all open levels, like File -> Save All.
Takes back a previous user action, like Edit -> Undo.
Restores a previously undone user action, like Edit -> Redo.
Clipping distance slider
Adjusts the far clipping plane distance, i.e. how far you can see in the viewports.
Mouse lock
Mouse can only be used to select actors, not to move, rotate or scale them.
Show widget
Like Edit -> Show Widget.
Translation widget
Activates the translation widget, like Edit -> Translate.
Rotation widget
Activates the rotation widget, like Edit -> Rotate.
Scaling widget
Activates the uniform scaling widget, like Edit -> Scale.
Non-uniform scaling widget
Activates the non-uniform scaling widget.
Reference Coordinate System
The reference coordinate system for the translation widget.
Moves the actor along the global X, Y and Z axes, i.e. independently from its rotation.
Moves the actor along its local X, Y and Z axes, i.e. according to its rotation.
Brings up the actor search dialog.
Toggles fullscreen mode. Fullscreen mode is similar to maximizing the editor window, but additionally hides the title bar and Windows task bar.
Copies selected actor(s) to the clipboard and removes them from the level.
Copies selected actor(s) to the clipboard and leaves them in the level.
Adds actor(s) from the clipboard to the level.
Open the Generic browser
Opens the Generic Browser.
Open UnrealKismet
Opens the Kismet editor.
Toggle Brush Polys
Toggle Prefab Lock
Toggle raw distribution curves
Toggle socket snapping
Build Geometry
Builds only geometry.
Build Lighting
Builds only lighting.
Build Paths
Builds only paths.
Build Cover Nodes
Build All
Builds the level.
Propagation target
In-Editor Play
Opens a new viewport for in-editor play.
Publish the loaded maps