Legacy:Game Ini File

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Revision as of 04:44, 18 May 2006 by Tarquin (talk | contribs)
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The Game Ini File or Game configuration file is an INI file with the same name as the executable file of the particular unreal engine game. For instance, UnrealTournament.ini or UT2003.ini.

This file:




The FirstRun entry tells you which version of the game you're currently running, in other words, are you on the latest patch?


















"EditPackages" lines list packages to load with UnrealEd.

Tarquin: Are all of these necessary? When working with textures or static meshes, there's an awful lot of guff already loaded that detracts from the resources currently in use in your map. Can any be removed safely?



















Enable Interactive GUI Design Mode here (see GUIController)




















Game Specific Information


Chip: If it's not already in the works, I think an explanation of the many <game>.ini sections and what info they contain/how they function would be very helpful, particularly for those new to writing their own <mymod>.ini files. Syntax notes would also be useful. Examples like that for [Core.System] on the Releasing a Mod page are very instructive.

HSDanClark: The section headings are going to be different for each game (and the content gets changed/updated with each patch), but it would be a great idea to post the current-build version of the UT2003.ini with explanations. I'll set to work on it tonight if nobody beats me to it.

Tarquin: well there are the headings from mine if that's any help. Aren't any headigns at all common to all engine versions?

HSDanClark: The major ones, like [Core.System] or [Engine.Engine] are common to all versions (as far as I know), but others such as [XGame.xBombingRun] or [XGame.DoubleDom] are specific to UT2003 or higher.

Chip: I think documentation of UT2003.ini should be enough to provide a basis for figuring out many headings/sections not explicitly described on this page. The [Package.Class] heading syntax is consistent, right? If there's similar consistency in the section entries, that'll be a good clue for reading other .ini's.

OlympusMons: Maybe this should be the base page for unreal engine game ini's and all other game specific ini's can be on there respective pages. I'll see what I can do about adding some details and maybe a UT2004.ini page.

Category:Legacy To Do – add more to this page & change links to UnrealTournament.Ini to link here if suitable