Legacy:Static Mesh Package

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This is a list of known Static Mesh packages. Use the Static Mesh Browser to examine these packages. Note: Do Not Alter Default Packages.

Several packages have alternative skins for the SMs in a texture package, eg HumanoidHardwareBrush.UTX contains skins for HumanoidHardware.

Unreal Tournament 2003

See also the Legacy:Static Mesh Package/Index by theme, which lists the packages by catagories like "lights" and "lifts."

Static Mesh Pack Theme and type (eg. alien, lights) Uses Dominant Hue
[[/AWHardware AWHardware]] blades, fans and signs meathouses bloody or rusty metal
[[/AWMagicHardware AWMagicHardware]] Portal with a camera client texture Can be used as a viewport of some kind green and purple
[[/AWPipes AWPipes]] Tech-Metal decos 2 meshes: bundled pipes, and steel grating rusted metal
[[/AWStellarMeshes AWStellarMeshes]] a flat moon and a ball with stars all around it, purdy skybox black and white
[[/AW_AlleriaHW AW_AlleriaHW]] pipes from geothermal plumbing, very big plumbing bone
[[/AbaddonHardware AbaddonHardware]] lights, supports, walkways, cages and strange plants Evil but could be used for industrial reddy-brown
[[/AlienTech AlienTech]] Forest Catwalks Tokara style walkways and bridges Brown, Green, Bone White
[[/AlleriaHardware AlleriaHardware]] supports, lights, ramps and pipe tubing industrial moldy-looking white and orange.
[[/AntalusStatic AntalusStatic]] trees, rocks and antalus lifts natural bone white, green and brown
[[/AnubisStatic AnubisStatic]] egyptian statues egyptian yellow, brown
[[/ArboreaHardware ArboreaHardware]] bushes, trees and tokara hardware natural green and bone
[[/ArboreaLandscape ArboreaLandscape]] cliff walls natural brown
[[/BarrenHardware-epic BarrenHardware-epic]] rim, statues, decorations egyptians yellow
[[/BarrenHardware BarrenHardware]] Egyptian-styled decos Decorations, supports, and some lights Black and Gold
[[/BastienHardware BastienHardware]] a large tower, some pipes, some ramps industrial brown
[[/BulldogMeshes BulldogMeshes]] Bulldog vehicle 2 meshes: Bulldog and a wheel Yellow
[[/CP_Nightmare1_Epic CP_Nightmare1_Epic]] a ring of fog, some walls, and some of the beautiful architecture from curse3 evil brown and red
[[/CavernStatic CavernStatic]] some walkways and some caverns natural/industrial brown and metallic grey
[[/Citadel_Static Citadel_Static]] Big tower, spikey mine, rocks, bridges, grass, spikey plants, doorframe Rusty metal spikey stuff (?)
[[/Comp Comp]] Nice lights, pipes and boiler, and an odd wire-support Industrial Mixed shiny/matt grey/darkbeige
[[/E_Pickups E_Pickups]] Health/Armor/UDamage and the BR ball Everywhere necessary Gold, Blue, Purple
[[/EffectMeshes EffectMeshes]] A chunk of dirt? (?) (?)
[[/Egypt_techmeshes_Epic Egypt_techmeshes_Epic]] Lots of egyptian deco and architectural meshes esp. Face3/SunTemple, also some general-purpose sunbeam-effect meshes Egypttech levels, light shining through cracks Sandstone, some neon
[[/EndGame-New EndGame-New]] An egypt-style pillar with trim Egypt? =P Sandstone/Gold
[[/EndStatic EndStatic]] Stone pillars, rocks, stone deco's stairs, dead tree Old stone stuff (?)
[[/Epic_November2 Epic_November2]] *The* Ship (CTF-December) Erm a ship! "Battleship" Gray with red highlights
[[/Face3_decomeshes Face3_decomeshes]] Decos from CTF-Face3 (?) Brown/Beige
[[/G_Finalset1_M_CP G_Finalset1_M_CP]] Doorway, Hallbrace, Lightbrace Futuristic Mechanical Metallic, Blue
[[/GeneralStatic GeneralStatic]] Template SkyBox cylinder Night-time sky or retexture to suit Blue/Black
[[/GeothermalStatic GeothermalStatic]] Coloured powertube, glass and other pipes/wires from CTF-Geothermal Industrial Grey/Red
[[/Goose Goose]] 2 meshes to do with a pool FluidSurface (?) Untextured
[[/HumanoidHardware HumanoidHardware]] Antennae, braces, columns/supports, walkways, beams, misc deco, grates, lights, big pipes, concrete walls. Alternative skins in HumanoidHardwareBrush texture package Army/city themed. (?)
[[/IceCliffs IceCliffs]] Rock cliffs with snow caps Boundaries of snowy levels White and Gray/Brown
[[/Industrial_Static Industrial_Static]] Girders & supports, pipes, rails, stone & blank columns, wall panels. Industrial (?)
[[/JWDecember JWDecember]] Bunker, vent, light cones. Army stuff (?)
[[/NvidiaLogo_M NvidiaLogo_M]] The Nvidia logo seen when the game starts You probably don't want to use this ;) Black and White
[[/ParticleMeshes ParticleMeshes]] System Meshes to use with ParticleEmitters (?)
[[/Pipe_Static Pipe_Static]] Interior panels (walls/ceilings), wall-mounted industrial items, supports Industrial interiors Metal/Concrete
[[/Pipe_staticmeshes Pipe_staticmeshes]] Earlier versions (not properly centered) of some from PipeStatic Not needed (?)
[[/PlungeMeshes PlungeMeshes]] Glowing pipes and light-trims from DM-Plunge and other Skyline-theme levels (?) Red/Black, white
[[/ProcMeshes ProcMeshes]] Fluidsurface for streams? (?) Untextured
[[/SC-Intro_Meshes SC-Intro_Meshes]] The column in the intro that Gorge smashes =) Not many! white/grey
[[/SC_Volcano_M SC_Volcano_M]] CTF-Magma, both the castle and the false-terrain meshes Medievil castle and lava Brown/Red
[[/ShiptechHardware ShiptechHardware]] Techy stuff, in the style of UT's blue Tech textures. Seen in DM-Fluid. Metal roofs, aerials, pipey stuff, steps, floors, doorways, walls, jumppad, fan, tubes, industrial stuffage. Industrial/Futuristic Synthetic, greys, some whites/blues/beige
[[/SurvivalGuideMeshes SurvivalGuideMeshes]] 2 door panels and misc lock parts for a sliding door, a tv monitor model, 1 wall panel (?) (?)
[[/TowerStatic TowerStatic]] Contains the Static Meshes that form CTF-Maul. Tower/bunker, grass, wire fence, dead tree, landpad, lightpost, sphere tank, ringwire, spotlights, trees, bush, wall, broken wall. External, nature settings(!?) Night metals
[[/TroffHardware TroffHardware]] 1 tall square tower piece and 1 nifty teardrop-shaped sky-ball with a warp drive effect shader (?) (?)
[[/Trophy_endroom Trophy_endroom]] Tournament trophies and the architecture for the end game Use sparingly, it's from a cutscene so it's all high-poly (?)
[[/VehicleMeshes VehicleMeshes]] 2 complete 'hoverbike' models IIRC UEd balks when you try to add these (?)
[[/WastelandHardware WastelandHardware]] Giant rib cage (from the Vehicle Test) Ancient / Nightmare Neutral
[[/WeaponStaticMesh WeaponStaticMesh]] All the UT2003 weapon pickup meshes here (?) (?)
[[/XGame_StaticMeshes XGame_StaticMeshes]] Gametype specific like BR gates, DOM controlpoints etc (?) (?)
[[/XceptOneObjA XceptOneObjA]] A door from DM-Flux NewTech / Space Metal
[[/cf_DE cf_DE]] Collision, corpses and meshes from DM-Gael NewTech / Space Metal
[[/cf_sm01 cf_sm01]] Space static meshes and skybox effects from DM-Phobos. Asteroids, planets, floors, doorframes, planet rings, windows, tube brace/lift. Space Metal
[[/cf_sm02 cf_sm02]] CTF-Face 3 static meshes. Anubis, complete floor sections etc. Egyptian Tan / Light Browns
[[/cp_wasteland_mesh cp_wasteland_mesh]] A lot of ruined castle walls and towers Ancient Browns / Grays
[[/epic_phobos epic_phobos]] Two static meshes out of DM-Phobos. A Radar and a Wing Space Metal
[[/sg_UT2003_pickups sg_UT2003_pickups]] Jumpboots! Jumpboots (already been done) Metal
[[/skyline-meshes-epic skyline-meshes-epic]] Wall sections, pillars and trim; low-poly background buildings; blimp; some converted BSP from an old version Mostly only useful for rooftop maps, pillars and wall-sections might be handy elsewhere white
[[/wm_meshes wm_meshes]] Mainly the egyptian meshes used in BR-TwinTombs. Walls, pillars, corners and trims. Egyptian levels. Tan, light browns

Unreal Tournament 2004

(May include packages from CBP or other bonus packs, unfortunately I can't easily reinstall, sorry)

Static Mesh Pack Theme and type (eg. alien, lights) Uses Dominant Hue
[[/2k4_Nvidia 2k4_Nvidia]] intro logo not much white, green
[[/2k4ChargerMeshes 2k4ChargerMeshes]] the pair of new 2k4 charger meshes health and weapons blue/grey, green/brown
[[/2k4Trophies 2k4Trophies]] shiny UT trophy trophy rooms? shiny gold
[[/AbaddonHardware AbaddonHardware]] lights, pipes, walkways, lava rocks, lots of spikes savage areas, some machinery dirt, red
[[/Albatross_architecture Albatross_architecture]] grey stone bridges, tiles, arches, pillars, some rocks castle grey hewn stone
[[/AlienBrushes AlienBrushes]] untextured rounded stuff not much untextured
[[/Aliencrystal Aliencrystal]] single untextured rock not much untextured
[[/AlienTech AlienTech]] Arborea walkways, balcony, light, some crystals, some decos Arborea light bricks, brown/green rock
[[/AlleriaHardware AlleriaHardware]] lots of small pipes, human-size pipes, walkways, support deco, wires, machinery industrial, pipe assault yellow/orange icedamaged, some blue/yellow/grey tech
[[/AntalusStatic AntalusStatic]] green trees, some rocks, a few Arborea-style platforms Arborea green trees, green rock/white bricks
[[/AnubisStatic AnubisStatic]] big egyptian statues, brazier, torch, arch, glowing disc egyptian egyptian stone
[[/ArboreaHardware ArboreaHardware]] walkways, plants, rock trim, wall deco, some big pieces alien nature/forest white bricks, green stone
[[/ArboreaLanscape ArboreaLanscape]] (sic) cliff/rock deco Arborea brown stone
[[/AS_Decos AS_Decos]] construction barricade, bomber plane, barrel, Hellbender engine, metal shelving urban varied
[[/AS_Vehicles_SM AS_Vehicles_SM]] Destroyed Ion Tank, non-destroyed spacefighter (human and skaarj) outer space burnt tank, blue and grey metal ships
[[/AS_Weapons_SM AS_Weapons_SM]] Minigun turret, ceiling turret, floor turret, jumbo turret pieces, objective arrow, city, turret weapons various
[[/AW-2004Crystals AW-2004Crystals]] several crystal outcroppings, flakes, spikes crystaline cave blue crystal, grey stone
[[/AW_AlleriaHW AW_AlleriaHW]] Shiny pipes (t-intersection, corner, straight) Alleria? bright shiny metal
[[/AW-Bridge AW-Bridge]] a few untextured items not much untextured
[[/AW-DemoMeshes AW-DemoMeshes]] bump map demos not much demos?
[[/AWHardware AWHardware]] railings, meat, sawblades, doors, conveyor, chain, tiles, lever, lighting meathouse shades of rust, grey tiles
[[/AW-Junk2 AW-Junk2]] untextured stuff not much untextured
[[/AW-Junk AW-Junk]] pipes, walkways, piles of junk, giant rusted A and B, broken vehicles junkyard rust reds/oranges/browns
[[/AWMagicHardware AWMagicHardware]] "Magic Camera Plane"? ? ?
[[/AW-MechMeshes AW-MechMeshes]] single tall, thin light somewhere dark grey w/ blue light
[[/AW-Natural AW-Natural]] single rock talon cave brown/grey
[[/AW-Nature AW-Nature]] random untextured stuff not much untextured
[[/aw-neutral aw-neutral]] two partially textured dock pieces not much untextured
[[/AW-PhysicMeshes AW-PhysicMeshes]] some untextured stuff not much untextured
[[/AWPipes AWPipes]] grated lift, a pipe cluster industrial rust, metal
[[/AW-RustMeshes AW-RustMeshes]] pile of chairs, barrel, pipes, tanks, bridge, sign; shrub junkyard rust (duh?)
[[/AW-Steel AW-Steel]] Molten steel pipes (straight, slanted, drop) , pipe support steel factory molten metal, rust
[[/AWStellarMeshes AWStellarMeshes]] moon card, skybox (skyball?) of stars outer space greyscale
[[/AW-Tech AW-Tech]] lots of untextured tech not much untextured
[[/BarrenHardware BarrenHardware]] egyptian deco galore, mostly pillars and wall trims egyptian sandstone
[[/BarrenHardware-epic BarrenHardware]] more deco, some large meshes, wall trim lights egyptian sandstone, some dark stone
[[/BastienHardware BastienHardware]] arrow, light, human pipe, ramps, large tower industrial dark grey
[[/BastienHardware_02 BastienHardware]] castle pieces: grates, lights, blocks, terrain, spiral stairs, large pieces industrial castle shades of stone
[[/BenMesh01 BenMesh01]] lots of pillars, grass and trees, some big building ruins, castle top stone castle stone, green plants
[[/BenMesh02 BenMesh02]] stadium pieces, seats, ramps, scaffolding, ring of fire xxxtreme sports map browns
[[/BenTropicalSM01 BenTropicalSM01]] cliff pieces and foliage, palm plants, volcano, small bridge pieces tropical outdoors stone, green plants
[[/BP_egyptnew BP_egyptnew]] egyptian trim pieces egyptian sandstone, blue lights
[[/BulldogMeshes BulldogMeshes]] bulldog pieces not much sand color
[[/cass_staticmesh cass_staticmesh]] large pieces not much blue-green
[[/CaveDecoMeshes CaveDecoMeshes]] three blue mushrooms cave? blue w/spots
[[/CavernStatic CavernStatic]] cave pieces, arch, flooring, light, gate some pieces usable anywhere various
[[/CB-Desert1 CB-Desert1]] rock and cliff pieces outdoor rocky desert layered sandstone
[[/CB-Desert2 CB-Desert2]] a couple rock pieces outdour rocky desert stone
[[/CB-StaticMesh CB-StaticMesh single reinforced sandbag mesh urban, warzone yellow sandbags, green metal
[[/cf_DE cf_DE]] misc characters/corpses, lift, a few small pieces not much various
[[/cf_sm01 cf_sm01]] DM-Phobos2 skylight pieces, planets, flooring and framing indoor space station metal, colorful planets
[[/cf_sm02 cf_sm02]] egyptian/egyptech pieces and deco egyptian sandstone, gold, blue lights
[[/cf_static1 cf_static1]] shiny pipe, untextured stuff not much mostly untextured
[[/cf_staticMushrooms cf_staticMushrooms]] more blue mushrooms a la CaveDecoMeshes caves and woods blue with spots
[[/Citadel_Static Citadel_Static]] sinister citadel pieces, spiked ball, bridges, cactus, light, tiles dark citadel dark green stone
[[/Comp Comp]] pipes, lights, boiler industrial grey
[[/Corrosion_Hardware Corrosion_Hardware]] railing, large pipe wherever blue metal
[[/cp_enviromesh1 cp_enviromesh1]] rock wall piece, simple waterfall not much various
[[/cp_Evil cp_Evil]] pump, pipes, grating dark foundry red, rusty metal
[[/cp_Evilstatic2 cp_Evilstatic2]] stair railing, piece of machinery not much greenish metal
[[/cp_Mechstaticpack1 cp_Mechstaticpack1]] lots of DM-Injector/IronDeity tech deco, techbarrels, lights, doorways, braces, light tubes, wall/floorpanels tech green metal
[[/CP_Nightmare1_Epic CP_Nightmare1_Epic]] walkways, deco, lava quake 3/doom 3-style greys, reds
[[/cp_simplewall_meshs cp_simplewall_meshes]] pipe cluster, hi-poly decorative wall panels industrial green metal
[[/cp_stevetest1 cp_stevetest1]] Meta-package designed to give quick access to ALL smeshes various various
[[/CP_UT2K3_TechSetMesh1 CP_UT2K3_TechSetMesh1]] superset of cp_simplewall_meshes plus a few door pieces industrial green metal
[[/cp_wasteland_mesh cp_wasteland_mesh]] ruined brickwork walls, untextured stuff brick ruins brick color? greys
[[/DanielsMeshes DanielsMeshes]] single untextured ball not much untextured
[[/DEBonusMeshes DEBonusMeshes]] pyramid, pillar egyptian sandstone
[[/DEBPchecker DEBPchecker]] the ceiling/glass/trailing plants from DM-Ironic Interesting ceilingglass effects green/grey
[[/DemoMeshes DemoMeshes]] Karma collision primitives and a mesh for skybox cylinders with a 'floor' primitives untextured
[[/Desp_SMS-SM Desp_SMS-SM]] All the interior techmeshes from AS-Mothership, hi-poly Skaarj tech black/brown/beige/grey, bright green highlights
[[/DespFallenCity-SM DespFallenCity-SM]] AS-FallenCity specific - charred vehicles, dropship, ammo crates modern-military/civvehicles burnt/rusty
[[/DESP-MS DESP-MS]] Meshes that make the exterior of the Skaarj Mothership Skaarj MS dark, bright green highlights
[[/DespTech-STA DespTech-STA]] Lots of hi-poly walls/braces/grates/deco and the actual ship parts that make up DM-HyperBlast2 itself plus a right-side-up untextured version of the Sky City from AS-RobotFactory sci-fi/starship white/grey/beige
[[/Desp-TelMecoMex Desp-TelMecoMex]] Community Bonus Pack 2 Those lovely techmeshes from DM-TelMecoMex (some hi-poly) sci-fi industrial grey/white, blue highlights
[[/DS-staticMeshes DS-staticMeshes]] Submarine meshes from CTF-January Erm, a submarine grey, red
[[/E_Pickups E_Pickups]] BR bombball and all health/armor/UDamage smeshes EXCEPT the Health Vial (?) non-weapon pickups animated blue/purple/gold

Related Topics

Oxygen: I added some separate pages for specific packages, what do you think?

Mychaeel: That's a great idea, but I'd rather make those pages subpages of Static Mesh Package (like Static Mesh Package/WastelandHardware). We can rename those pages; no need to do it manually.

Oxygen: Suits me, how do you rename pages?

Mychaeel: You ask an admin. Done.  :-)

Aphex: Hmm I think it would benefit from being one large page so it's searchable.

Mychaeel: Images aren't searchable, are they?

Oxygen: Why not do both, there's no extra burden on bandwidth

skulkingghost Waht about a picture catalog, that would take alot of work though.

Bob_The_Beheader: :Pissed: Damnit, this is what sucks about UnrealEd - The packages are so completely disorganized. Thanks alot for making an attempt to sort them out. I usually have this page opened as well as the listing of texture packages every time I open UnrealEd. I think that this page would be improved if it listed the total no. of meshes in each package, and if it listed the groups inside the packages, but I don't know if that will fit on the page width.

Bob_The_Beheader: Hmm... wouldn't it be more useful if, instead of, for instance the AntalusStatic listing which says "Natural" for uses, it said "outdoors/lifts." I hope I'm making sense, but alot of the entries in the "Uses" column say things other then "uses." Am I confusing you? ;) Another way of putting my qualm with this is that "Natural" does not sound like a use to me...

Tarquin: I think by natural, they meant 'outdoors', but thought that some maps are set in the outdoors parts of a factory ;) but you can change it to 'outdoors' :)

Solitaire: Added some of the outstanding UT2003 packages, adding to the UT2004 collection slowly but please correct me if I add a custom package by mistake (have added the TelMecoMex pack anyway! =P