UE3:AnimNodeSynch (UDK)

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UDK Object >> AnimObject >> AnimNode >> AnimNodeBlendBase >> AnimNodeSynch
This class in other games:

Animation Node used to synch childs. Would be typically used to synch several walk/run/crouch cycles together.

This node works by using the most relevant node in the final blend as the master node, to update all the others (slaves). This requires all cycles to be relatively synched (i.e. left foot is down on all cycles at 0.25% of the animation, regarless of its length).


Property group 'AnimNodeSynch'


Type: array<SynchGroup>

List of groups to synchronize

Default values

Property Value
bFixNumChildren True
Member Value
Name 'Input'
Weight 1.0



Modifiers: native

definition of a group of AnimNodeSequence to synchronize together

array<AnimNodeSequence> SeqNodes
Cached array of anim node sequence nodes to synchronize
AnimNodeSequence MasterNode
Last master node used, do not search for a new one, if this one has a full weight...
name GroupName
Name of group.
bool bFireSlaveNotifies
If FALSE, do not trigger slave nodes notifies.
float RateScale
Rate Scale

Default values:

Property Value
RateScale 1.0

Native functions


native final function AddNodeToGroup (AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, name GroupName)


native final function ForceRelativePosition (name GroupName, float RelativePosition)

Force a group at a relative position.


native final function AnimNodeSequence GetMasterNodeOfGroup (name GroupName)

Accesses the Master Node driving a given group


native final function float GetRelativePosition (name GroupName)

Get the relative position of a group.


native final function RemoveNodeFromGroup (AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, name GroupName)

Remove a node from an existing group


native final function SetGroupRateScale (name GroupName, float NewRateScale)

Adjust the Rate Scale of a group