UE3:UIPropertyDataProvider (UDK)

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UDK Object >> UIRoot >> UIDataProvider >> UIPropertyDataProvider
Direct subclasses:
UIDynamicDataProvider, UIResourceDataProvider, UISettingsProvider
This class in other games:

Base class for data providers which provide data pulled directly from member UProperties.



Type: array<class<Property> >

Modifiers: const

the list of property classes for which values cannot be automatically derived; if your script-only child class has a member var of one of these types, you'll need to provide the value yourself via the GetCustomPropertyValue event

Default value, index 0: Class'Core.StructProperty'

Default value, index 1: Class'Core.MapProperty'

Default value, index 2: Class'Core.ArrayProperty'

Default value, index 3: Class'Core.DelegateProperty'



delegate bool CanSupportComplexPropertyType (Property UnsupportedProperty)



event bool GetCustomPropertyValue (out UIRoot.UIProviderScriptFieldValue PropertyValue, optional int ArrayIndex)

Gets the value for the property specified. Child classes only need to override this function if it contains data fields which do not correspond to a member property in the class, or if the data corresponds to a complex data type, such as struct, array, etc.


  • PropertyValue - in] the name of the property to get the value for. [out] should be filled with the value for the specified property tag.
  • ArrayIndex - optional array index for use with data collections


return TRUE if either the StringValue or ImageValue fields of PropertyValue were set by script.