TrueTypeFontFactory / UFontMaterial
UFontMaterial is a little plugin for UnrealEd's material factory based on TrueTypeFontFactory created by Jan "eGo" Urbansky

Source Code
<uscript> // ======================================================================================== // Package/class : ECTools.EC_UFontMaterial // Autor : Jan "eGo" Urbansky // WWW : // Script Version : 0.6 // last changed : 12.03.2005 - 08:33 // // NOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! // This script only works correctly with UT2004. Recommend usage with v3186 and higher. // // Used information: // // // ========================================================================================
class EC_UFontMaterial extends MaterialFactory;
var class<Texture> MaterialClass;
var() string FontName; var() float FontSize;
var() enum EFontStyle { Normal, Italic, Bold, Bold_Italic, Bolder, Bolder_Italic, } FontStyle;
var() enum EFormat { RGBA8, DXT1, DXT3, DXT5, } TextureFormat;
var() bool AntiAlias; var() string Chars; var() int Count; //var() int CharactersPerPage; // obsolete UEngine stuff??? var() int DropShadowX; var() int DropShadowY; var() int ExtendBoxBottom; var() int ExtendBoxLeft; var() int ExtendBoxRight; var() int ExtendBoxTop; var() float Gamma; var() int Kerning; var() string Path; var() bool Underline; var() string UnicodeRange; var() int USize; var() int VSize; var() string Wildcard; var() int XPad; var() int YPad; var() const editconst string Copyright;
// ======================================================================================== // Returns the font style // ======================================================================================== private function string GetFontStyle() { local string FS;
switch( string( GetEnum( enum'EFontStyle',FontStyle ) ) ) { case "Normal": FS = " STYLE=500 ITALIC=FALSE"; break; case "Italic": FS = " STYLE=500 ITALIC=TRUE"; break; case "Bold": FS = " STYLE=600 ITALIC=FALSE"; break; case "Bold_Italic": FS = " STYLE=600 ITALIC=TRUE"; break; case "Bolder": FS = " STYLE=700 ITALIC=FALSE"; break; case "Bolder_Italic": FS = " STYLE=700 ITALIC=TRUE"; break; }
return FS; }
// ======================================================================================== // Returns the compression value // ======================================================================================== private function string GetCompression() { local string CS;
switch( string( GetEnum( enum'EFormat',TextureFormat ) ) ) { case "RGBA8": CS = ""; break; // RGBA8 case "DXT1": CS = " COMPRESSION=3"; break; // DXT1 case "DXT3": CS = " COMPRESSION=7"; break; // DXT3 case "DXT5": CS = " COMPRESSION=8"; break; // DXT5 } return CS; }
// ======================================================================================== // Builds the console command for the TrueTypeFontFactory // ======================================================================================== private function string NewTTFMaterial( string InPackage, string InGroup, string InName ) { local string S; // command string declaration
S = "NEW TrueTypeFontFactory"; // create font with TTF factory S = S $ " NAME=\"" $ InName $ "\""; // name of texture S = S $ " CLASS=\"" $ string(MaterialClass) $ "\""; // name of class S = S $ " GROUP=\"" $ InGroup $ "\""; // name of group S = S $ " PACKAGE=\"" $ InPackage $ "\""; // name of package S = S $ " HEIGHT=" $ string(FontSize); // font height S = S $ " USIZE=" $ string(USize); // texture horizontal size S = S $ " VSIZE=" $ string(VSize); // texture vertical size S = S $ " FONTNAME=\"" $ FontName $ "\""; // Windows font name S = S $ " YPAD=" $ string(YPad); // texture tiles S = S $ " XPAD=" $ string(XPad); // texture tiles S = S $ " ANTIALIAS=" $ string(AntiAlias); // antialiasing S = S $ " COUNT=" $ string(Count); // char count S = S $ " DROPSHADOWX=" $ string(DropShadowX); // shadow width X S = S $ " DROPSHADOWY=" $ string(DropShadowY); // shadow width Y S = S $ " GAMMA=" $ string(Gamma); // gamma value // S = S $ " CHARACTERSPERPAGE=" $ string(CharactersPerPage); S = S $ " UNICODERANGE=\"" $ UnicodeRange $ "\""; // Unicode characters, use Hex values comma separated S = S $ " WILDCARD=\"" $ Wildcard $ "\""; // includes a file with Unicode characters (e.g. MyChars.*) S = S $ " EXTENDBOXBOTTOM=" $ string(ExtendBoxBottom); // size box of the character letter (bottom edge) S = S $ " EXTENDBOXTOP=" $ string(ExtendBoxTop); // size box of the character letter (top edge) S = S $ " EXTENDBOXLEFT=" $ string(ExtendBoxLeft); // size box of the character letter (left edge) S = S $ " EXTENDBOXRIGHT=" $ string(ExtendBoxRight); // size box of the character letter (right edge) S = S $ " UNDERLINE=" $ string(Underline); // underline style S = S $ " PATH=\"" $ Path $ "\""; // use it with Unicoderange (e.g. ".") S = S $ " KERNING=" $ string(Kerning); // spaces between the characters S = S $ GetFontStyle(); // font style S = S $ GetCompression(); // compression type
// add backslashes to a string variable class'EC_StrUtils'.static.StrReplace( Chars , Chr(92) , Chr(92) $ Chr(92) ); class'EC_StrUtils'.static.StrReplace( Chars , Chr(34) , Chr(92) $ Chr(34) );
S = S $ " CHARS=\"" $ Chars $ "\""; // chars to include
Log( S ); // log the command
return S; }
// ======================================================================================== // Returns the created font material // ======================================================================================== function Material CreateMaterial( Object InOuter, string InPackage, string InGroup, string InName ) { local string sMaterialPath;
ConsoleCommand ( NewTTFMaterial( InPackage, InGroup, InName ) );
// Package.Group.Name sMaterialPath = InPackage $ "." $ InName $ "." $ InName;
if( MaterialClass == none ) { return none; } else { return Material( FindObject( sMaterialPath $ "_PageA" , MaterialClass) ); } }
// ======================================================================================== // Default Properties for this Class // ======================================================================================== defaultproperties { MaterialClass=Engine.Texture AntiAlias=False Chars=" 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`~!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]\\{}|;:',./?><\"¡«°»¿ÀÁÄÈÉÊËÌÍÑÒÓÖÙÚÜßàáâäçèéêëìíîïñòóôöùúûüæøå" Count=256 FontName="Arial" FontSize=10.000000 Gamma=0.700000 Kerning=0 YPad=1 XPad=1 USize=256 VSize=256 Description="TrueType Font Texture" Copyright="UnrealED Plugin (c) 2004-2005, EGO-CREATIONS" }
</uscript><uscript> // ======================================================================================== // Package/class : ECTools.EC_StrUtils // Autor : Jan "eGo" Urbansky // WWW : // Script Version : 0.1 // last changed : 12.03.2005 - 08:24 // // Description : some string functions // ======================================================================================== class EC_StrUtils extends Object;
// ======================================================================================== // String Replacement // ======================================================================================== simulated static final function StrReplace(out string Text, string OldString, string NewString) { local int i; local string s;
if ( Text == "" || OldString == "" ) return;
s = Text; Text = ""; i = InStr(s, OldString); while(i != -1) { Text = Text $ Left(s, i) $ NewString; s = Mid(s, i + Len(OldString)); i = InStr(s, OldString); } Text = Text $ s; }
defaultproperties { }
Download: UFontMaterial (UT2003) (72 kB) v0.4
Download: UFontMaterial (UT2004) (83 kB) v0.5
Related Topics
Mychaeel: That's a pretty cool idea, actually... :-)
SuperApe: Well done. I recommend this plug-in. :tup: