UE3:MeshBeaconHost (UDK)

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UDK Object >> MeshBeacon >> MeshBeaconHost

This class is used to handle connections from client mesh beacons in order to establish a mesh network.



Type: bool

Modifiers: private

TRUE if new bandwidth test requests should be handled. Set to false to ignore any pending and new requests.

Default value: True


Type: array<ClientMeshBeaconConnection>

Modifiers: const

The object that is used to send/receive data with the remote host/client


Type: int

Modifiers: config

The number of connections to allow before refusing them


Type: OnlineSubsystem.UniqueNetId

Modifiers: const

Net Id of player that is hosting this beacon


Type: array<OnlineSubsystem.UniqueNetId>

Modifiers: private

List of players this beacon is waiting to establish connections to.



Modifiers: native

Stats stored for the current bandwidth test on a client connection

MeshBeacon.EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestState CurrentState
Current progress of bandwidth test. Only one client should be MB_BandwidthTestState_InProgress at a time.
MeshBeacon.EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestType TestType
Type of bandwidth test currently running
int BytesTotalNeeded
Total bytes needed to complete the test
int BytesReceived
Total bytes received by the client so far
Object.double RequestTestStartTime
Time when request was first sent to client to start the test
Object.double TestStartTime
Time when first response was received from client to being the test
MeshBeacon.ConnectionBandwidthStats BandwidthStats
Resulting stats from the bandwidth test


Modifiers: native

Holds the information for a client and whether they've timed out

OnlineSubsystem.UniqueNetId PlayerNetId
The unique id of the player for this connection
float ElapsedHeartbeatTime
How long it's been since the last heartbeat
pointer{FSocket} Socket
The socket this client is communicating on
bool bConnectionAccepted
True if the client connection has already been accepted for this player
ClientConnectionBandwidthTestData BandwidthTest
Bandwidth test being run for the client
OnlineSubsystem.ENATType NatType
The NAT of the client as reported by the client
bool bCanHostVs
TRUE if the client is able to host a vs match
float GoodHostRatio
Ratio of successful vs unsuccessful matches hosted by this client in the past
array<MeshBeacon.ConnectionBandwidthStats> BandwidthHistory
Previous bandwidth history reported by the client ordered from newest to oldest.

New bandwidth tests that occur on this host also get added to this history.

int MinutesSinceLastTest
Elapsed time in minutes since the last bandwidth test



delegate OnAllPendingPlayersConnected ()

Delegate called by the host mesh beacon when all players in the PendingPlayerConnections list get connections.


delegate OnFinishedBandwidthTest (OnlineSubsystem.UniqueNetId PlayerNetId, MeshBeacon.EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestType TestType, MeshBeacon.EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestResult TestResult, const out MeshBeacon.ConnectionBandwidthStats BandwidthStats)

Delegate called by the host mesh beacon when bandwidth testing has completed for a client connection. This occurs when the test completes successfully or due to error/timeout.


  • PlayerNetId - net id for player of client connection that finished the test
  • TestType - test that completed based on enum of EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestType supported bandwidth test types
  • TestResult - overall result from running the test
  • BandwidthStats - statistics and timing information from running the test


delegate OnReceivedClientConnectionRequest (const out ClientMeshBeaconConnection NewClientConnection)

Delegate called by the host mesh beacon after establishing a new client socket and receiving the data for a new connection request.


  • NewClientConnection - client that sent the request for a new connection


delegate OnReceivedClientCreateNewSessionResult (bool bSucceeded, name SessionName, class<OnlineGameSearchSearchClass, const out byte PlatformSpecificInfo[68])

Delegate called by the host mesh beacon when it gets the results of a new game session creation on a client.


  • bSucceeded - TRUE if the the new session was created on the client
  • SessionName - the name of the session to create
  • SearchClass - the search that should be with corresponding game settings when creating the session
  • PlatformSpecificInfo - the platform specific binary data of the new session


delegate OnStartedBandwidthTest (OnlineSubsystem.UniqueNetId PlayerNetId, MeshBeacon.EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestType TestType)

Delegate called by the host mesh beacon when bandwidth testing has started for a client connection. This occurs only when the client sends the start packet to initiate the test.


  • PlayerNetId - net id for player of client connection that started the test
  • TestType - test to run based on enum of EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestType supported bandwidth test types


Native functions


native event DestroyBeacon ()

Overrides: MeshBeacon.DestroyBeacon

Stops listening for clients and releases any allocated memory


native function bool AllPlayersConnected (const out array<OnlineSubsystem.UniqueNetIdPlayers)

Determine if the players all have connections on this host beacon


  • Players - list of player ids we are searching for


TRUE if all players had connections


native function CancelInProgressBandwidthTests ()

Cancel any bandwidth tests that are already in progress.


native function CancelPendingBandwidthTests ()

Cancel any bandwidth tests that are pending.


native function int GetConnectionIndexForPlayer (OnlineSubsystem.UniqueNetId PlayerNetId)

Determine if the given player has an active connection on this host beacon.


  • PlayerNetId - player we are searching for


index within ClientConnections for the player's connection, -1 if not found


native function bool HasInProgressBandwidthTest ()

Determine if a client is currently running a bandwidth test.


TRUE if a client connection is currently running a bandwidth test


native function bool HasPendingBandwidthTest ()

Determine if a client is currently waiting/pending for a bandwidth test.


TRUE if a client connection is currently pending a bandwidth test


native function bool InitHostBeacon (OnlineSubsystem.UniqueNetId InOwningPlayerId)

Creates a listening host mesh beacon to accept new client connections.


  • InOwningPlayerId - Net Id of player that is hosting this beacon


true if the beacon was created successfully, false otherwise


native function bool RequestClientBandwidthTest (OnlineSubsystem.UniqueNetId PlayerNetId, MeshBeacon.EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestType TestType, int TestBufferSize)

Send a request to a client connection to initiate a new bandwidth test.


  • PlayerNetId - player with an active connection to receive test request
  • TestType - EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestType type of bandwidth test to request
  • TestBufferSize - size of buffer in bytes to use for running the test


TRUE if the request was successfully sent to the client


native function bool RequestClientCreateNewSession (OnlineSubsystem.UniqueNetId PlayerNetId, name SessionName, class<OnlineGameSearchSearchClass, const out array<MeshBeacon.PlayerMemberPlayers)

Sends a request to a specified client to create a new game session.


  • PlayerNetId - net id of player for client connection to send request to
  • SessionName - the name of the session to create
  • SearchClass - the search that should be with corresponding game settings when creating the session
  • Players - list of players to register on the newly created session


native function TellClientsToTravel (name SessionName, class<OnlineGameSearchSearchClass, const out byte PlatformSpecificInfo[68])

Tells all of the clients to go to a specific session (contained in platform specific info). Used to route all clients to one destination.


  • SessionName - the name of the session to register
  • SearchClass - the search that should be populated with the session
  • PlatformSpecificInfo - the binary data to place in the platform specific areas

Other instance functions


function AllowBandwidthTesting (bool bEnabled)

Enable/disable future bandwidth test requests and current pending tests.


  • bEnabled - true to allow bandwidth testing to be processed by the beacon


function DebugRender (Canvas Canvas, OnlineSubsystem.UniqueNetId CurOptimalHostId)

Render debug info about the client mesh beacon


  • Canvas - canvas object to use for rendering debug info
  • CurOptimalHostId - net id of player that should be highlighted as the current optimal host


function DumpConnections ()

Logs the all the connected clients of this this beacon


function SetPendingPlayerConnections (const out array<OnlineSubsystem.UniqueNetIdPlayers)

Set list of pending player ids we are waiting to connect with. Once all connections are established then the OnAllPendingPlayersConnected delegate is called.


  • Players - list of player ids we are waiting to connect