UE3:UIResourceCombinationProvider (UDK)

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UDK Object >> UIRoot >> UIDataProvider >> UIResourceCombinationProvider
Implemented interfaces:
UIListElementCellProvider, UIListElementProvider

Base class for all data providers which provide additional dynamic information about a specific static data provider instance.

Copyright 1998-2009 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved



Type: UIDataProvider_OnlineProfileSettings

Modifiers: transient

The data provider which provides access to a player's profile data.


Type: UIResourceDataProvider

Modifiers: transient

Each combo provider is linked to a single static resource data provider. The name of the combo provider should match the name of the static resource it's associated with, as the dynamic resource data store will match combo providers to the static provider with the same name.




event bool GetCellFieldType (name FieldName, name CellTag, out UIRoot.EUIDataProviderFieldType FieldType)

Retrieves the field type for the specified cell.


  • FieldName - the name of the field the desired cell tags are associated with. Used for cases where a single data provider instance provides element cells for multiple collection data fields.
  • CellTag - the tag for the element cell to get the field type for
  • out_CellFieldType - receives the field type for the specified cell; should be a EUIDataProviderFieldType value.


TRUE if this element cell provider contains a cell with the specified tag, and out_CellFieldType was changed.


event bool GetCellFieldValue (name FieldName, name CellTag, int ListIndex, out UIRoot.UIProviderFieldValue out_FieldValue, optional int ArrayIndex)

Resolves the value of the cell specified by CellTag and stores it in the output parameter.


  • FieldName - the name of the field the desired cell tags are associated with. Used for cases where a single data provider instance provides element cells for multiple collection data fields.
  • CellTag - the tag for the element cell to resolve the value for
  • ListIndex - the UIList's item index for the element that contains this cell. Useful for data providers which do not provide unique UIListElement objects for each element.
  • out_FieldValue - receives the resolved value for the property specified.
  • ArrayIndex - optional array index for use with cell tags that represent data collections. Corresponds to the ArrayIndex of the collection that this cell is bound to, or INDEX_NONE if CellTag does not correspond to a data collection.

See: GetDataStoreValue for additional notes


event bool GetElementCellSchemaProvider (name FieldName, out UIListElementCellProvider out_SchemaProvider)

Retrieves a UIListElementCellProvider for the specified data tag that can provide the list with the available cells for this list element. Used by the UI editor to know which cells are available for binding to individual list cells.


  • FieldName - the tag of the list element data field that we want the schema for.


a pointer to some instance of the data provider for the tag specified. only used for enumerating the available cell bindings, so doesn't need to actually contain any data (i.e. can be the CDO for the data provider class, for example)


event GetElementCellTags (name FieldName, out array<nameCellFieldTags, optional out array<stringColumnHeaderDisplayText)

Retrieves the list of tags that can be bound to individual cells in a single list element.


  • FieldName - the name of the field the desired cell tags are associated with. Used for cases where a single data provider instance provides element cells for multiple collection data fields.
  • out_CellTags - receives the list of tag/column headers that can be bound to element cells for the specified property.


event bool GetElementCellValueProvider (name FieldName, int ListIndex, out UIListElementCellProvider out_ValueProvider)

Retrieves a UIListElementCellProvider for the specified data tag that can provide the list with the values for the cells of the list element indicated by CellValueProvider.DataSourceIndex


  • FieldName - the tag of the list element data field that we want the values for
  • ListIndex - the list index for the element to get values for


a pointer to an instance of the data provider that contains the value for the data field and list index specified


event int GetElementCount (name FieldName)

Returns the number of list elements associated with the data tag specified.


  • FieldName - the name of the property to get the element count for. guaranteed to be one of the values returned from GetElementProviderTags.


the total number of elements that are required to fully represent the data specified.


event array<nameGetElementProviderTags ()

Retrieves the list of all data tags contained by this element provider which correspond to list element data.


the list of tags supported by this element provider which correspond to list element data.


event bool GetListElements (name FieldName, out array<intout_Elements)

Retrieves the list elements associated with the data tag specified.


  • FieldName - the name of the property to get the element count for. guaranteed to be one of the values returned from GetElementProviderTags.
  • out_Elements - will be filled with the elements associated with the data specified by DataTag.


TRUE if this data store contains a list element data provider matching the tag specified.


event InitializeProvider (bool bIsEditor, UIResourceDataProvider InStaticResourceProvider, UIDataProvider_OnlineProfileSettings InProfileProvider)

Provides the data provider with the chance to perform initialization, including preloading any content that will be needed by the provider.


  • bIsEditor - TRUE if the editor is running; FALSE if running in the game.
  • InStaticResourceProvider - the data provider that provides the static resource data for this combo provider.
  • InProfileProvider - the data provider that provides profile data for the player associated with the owning data store.


event bool IsElementEnabled (name FieldName, int CollectionIndex)

Determines whether a member of a collection should be considered "enabled" by subscribed lists. Disabled elements will still be displayed in the list but will be drawn using the disabled state.


  • FieldName - the name of the collection data field that CollectionIndex indexes into.
  • CollectionIndex - the index into the data field collection indicated by FieldName to check


TRUE if FieldName doesn't correspond to a valid collection data field, CollectionIndex is an invalid index for that collection, or the item is actually enabled; FALSE only if the item was successfully resolved into a data field value, but should be considered disabled.

Other instance functions


function ClearProviderReferences ()

Clears all references in this data provider. Called when the owning data store is unregistered.


function bool ReplaceProviderCollection (out array<UIDataProvider.UIDataProviderFieldout_Fields, name TargetFieldTag, const out array<UIDataProviderReplacementProviders)

Utility function for replacing the value of a data field's provider collection with a different set of providers.


  • out_Fields - the list of fields containing the data field to replace the value for
  • TargetFieldTag - the tag for the field whose value should be replaced.
  • ReplacementProviders - the collection of provider to set as the new value for the field being changed


TRUE if the field's value was successfully changed.


function bool ReplaceProviderValue (out array<UIDataProvider.UIDataProviderFieldout_Fields, name TargetFieldTag, UIDataProvider ReplacementProvider)

Utility function for replacing the value of a data field's provider reference with a different value.


  • out_Fields - the list of fields containing the data field to replace the value for
  • TargetFieldTag - the tag for the field whose value should be replaced.
  • ReplacementProvider - the provider to set as the new value for the field being changed


TRUE if the field's value was successfully changed.