UE3:UIResourceDataProvider (UDK)

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Revision as of 05:51, 17 January 2010 by Wormbo (talk | contribs) (1 revision: class descriptions for UDK January update (part 6))
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UDK Object >> UIRoot >> UIDataProvider >> UIPropertyDataProvider >> UIResourceDataProvider
Implemented interfaces:
UIListElementCellProvider, UIListElementProvider
Direct subclasses:
OnlinePlaylistGameTypeProvider, OnlinePlaylistProvider, UICharacterSummary, UIDataProvider_MenuItem, UIGameInfoSummary, UIMapSummary, UIWeaponSummary, UTUIResourceDataProvider
This class in other games:

Base class for data providers which provide data for static game resources.



Type: bool

Controls which properties this data provider will expose as data fields. Specify TRUE to only allow properties marked with the 'databinding' keyword to be exposed.

Child classes may override or ignore this flag by using different logic in GetSupportedDataFields().


Type: bool

Modifiers: config

Controls whether the object should be used or not. This is the only way to remove a per object config from the list

Default values

Property Value
ComplexPropertyTypes[2] Class'Core.DelegateProperty'



event InitializeProvider (bool bIsEditor)

Provides the data provider with the chance to perform initialization, including preloading any content that will be needed by the provider.


  • bIsEditor - TRUE if the editor is running; FALSE if running in the game.