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Revision as of 07:40, 11 December 2004 by Tarquin (talk | contribs)
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Hi, I started this page at 3:22 AM on May 16th 2004.
I'd like to contribute to this community by logging my progress as I develop an Unreal tournament 2004 mod called Apprehension.
If you don't recognize my name, I created the Healthbot mutator for 2003/2004 (2004 version coming soon) and I participate fairly regularly in the ut2004 mailing list.
I look forward to helping out around here.

Contact Info


email: try lilguy[at]planetunreal.com

Instant messenger

icq: 11933301

aim: aaronflippo

msn: aaronflippo@hotmail.com

yahoo: aaronflippo


Sunday, June 13th, 2004

Making some progress on Apprehension, but I'm trying to recruit one or two good programmers, as well as a 3D artist or two...One thing my mod really lacks right now is a good website, so I don't think that's helping much...It's kinda funny, reading all these things about recruiting mod teams and how the leader has to have experience or nobody will want to join...Well, I'm just about finished with my B.S. in Comp. Sci (C, C++, Java, Python, etc, etc, etc), I've modding various games since Jedi Knight was the cool thing in town (anyone remember the Phantom Menace TC?) and I think our mod structure is fairly well-organized. We have all of our files on a subversion repository (like CVS) which maintains a todo list for everyone, we have a fairly complete design doc, and yet nobody but me is getting anything done...Why you ask? I dunno, because it's the lazy days of summer, I guess...

Anyway, I thought this might be a good oppourtunity to ask if anyone is interested in helping a really-cool concept and half-finished mod become a really cool finished game. :)

In other news, I finally downloaded the firefox browser, and the whole problem with the text editing box expanding itself to the right has finally gone away now that I'm not using i.e. I really miss my google and yahoo toolbars though...

Thursday, June 17th, 2004

I'm going to start a developer journal here: Lilguy/Developer Journal for my healthbot mutator and apprehension mod.

Friday, December 10th, 2004

Well, as I noted in my developer journal, I've accepted a job offer from Raven software, so as of January 5th, I won't be able to work on mods any more :(

I'm busy with finals and Christmas right now, but before my final departure, I plan on organizing my Apprehension mod as I hand leadership off to the other programmer, Parallax. I fully expect the mod to be released sometime mid-year in 2005, and I think it's going to make some waves. I also plan on fixing up and releasing one final version of the Healthbot mutator.

In conclusion – if anyone's wondering: yes, modding really does pay off in the long run :)


Tarquin: Line break:
and you need a return in source too.

A return in source without the \\ makes a new paragraph. Welcome to the wiki :D

Lilguy: thanks! I knew it must be something simple.... Hey Tarquin, you're doing a great job with this site, I hope I can assist
One suggestion I have is to create icons for the various games (ut, ut2003, ut2004) and add the functionality to tag a page with what game(s) it applies to, then show the icon next to the page in the search/categories pages Or even better, put the option in the search so you can filter gametypes. I know it would mean a massive revision, but one of the only complaints I hear about the site is a lack of organization.

Tarquin: Thanks :) We have icons for the different games, you'll see them on class pages. However, we don't have a distinctive one for UT2004 yet :( Your search idea has been suggested before, but it would involve too much work on the server, I think. I think what we need to do is work on improving the forward index pages (the "topic" pages), and perhaps adding more categories to tag pages. We have "Category Mapping", but that could be split into "Category Mapping (UT)" and so on. Worth suggesting on the Category discussion page, wherever it is...

Lilguy: Ok, I see those icons now...I guess what I had in mind was to put the icons on the actual links, either in the category pages etc...I could see how that could mean more work for the server, but I think it'd be worth it for the added structure...Also, for a lot of classes etc. it's appropriate to have an icon for 2003 and 2004. Is it possible to have more than one icon/category for a page?

I'll bring this over to the discussion page...

EntropicLqd: I just realised what was missing. It's a belated Hi, welcome to the Wiki. I hope you enjoy your stay here :). Keep up the good work you've been doing on here. It's been interesting stuff.

Lilguy: Hey thanks, it's always nice to get an encouraging word once in awhile!

Tarquin: Hey, that's fantastic news about the job with Raven! Congratulations! :D