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Revision as of 04:38, 18 May 2010 by Eliot (talk | contribs) (WIP...)
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LevelConfigManager(LCA) Is mainly used for editing the weapons players start with as well modify default health, shield armor and put in timed messages which might explain the map and/or who made the map but it also provides a lot of other actors that might be useful for you map such as the Keys i.e. KeyObjective, KeyPickup and KeyTrigger these are often used in solo trial maps and open trial maps. As of now the tool is used in 300+ trial maps but that's pretty much because everyone likes to get rid of the Assault Rifle :P.

Classes Tree

  • Bold = Placeable
  • Italic = Notplaceable
  • Normal = Not part of LCA

+Object ++Actor +++Brush ++++Volume +++++PhysicsVolume ++++++LCAMaterialToggleVolume ++++++LCA_BTSoloCheckPointVolume +++++++LevelConfigManagerVolumes ++++++++InfinityJumpVolume ++++++++LCAShieldGunVolume ++++++++LandMineVolume ++++++++PawnLimitVolume ++++++++SetVehicleCollisionVolume ++++++++xPawnModifyVolume +++HudOverlay ++++LCAHudOverlay +++Info ++++LCAAccessInfo ++++LCAAttachHandler ++++LCANetMaterialTrigger ++++LCARainbowColorInfo ++++LocalPlayerInfo ++++Mutator +++++LevelConfigActor +++Inventory ++++Ammunition +++++AirEnergy ++++LCAKeyInventory +++Weapon ++++ShieldGun +++++AirShieldGun +++InventoryAttachment ++++WeaponAttachment +++++xWeaponAttachment ++++++ShieldAttachment +++++++PShieldAttachment +++Light ++++ColorFadingLight +++NavigationPoint ++++JumpDest +++++JumpSpot ++++++GameObjective +++++++ProximityObjective ++++++++UseObjective +++++++++BonusObjective +++++++++LCAKeyObjective ++++++JumpPad +++++++UTJumpPad ++++++++LCAJumpPad ++++SmallNavigationPoint +++++Teleporter ++++++EnhancedTeleporter +++Pickup ++++LCAKeyPickup ++++TournamentPickUp +++++DodgePickup ++++WeaponPickup +++++UTWeaponPickup ++++++ShieldGunPickup +++++++ASGPickup +++Triggers ++++LevelConfigManagerTriggers +++++AccessTrigger +++++ComboTrigger +++++GameSpeedModifier +++++LCAActorReset +++++LCAKeyTrigger +++++LCASetMaterialSeq +++++LCAStandTrigger +++++LCAWeaponGiver +++++LocalMessageTrigger +++++MonsterSpawner +++++PrivateMap +++++SetDefaultWeaponList +++++SpeedMultiplicaterTrigger +++++TodoList +++xEmitter ++++PinkRings ++DamageType +++AirDamType ++++DamTypeLandMine ++LCAFunctions ++Material +++RenderedMaterial ++++ConstantMaterial +++++ConstantColor ++++++LCARainbowColorMat ++ScriptedAction +++Action_Inventory +++Action_PawnSet ++WeaponFire +++ShieldFire ++++AShieldFire


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