Set up a package directory

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Revision as of 01:16, 23 May 2010 by 00zX (talk | contribs)

There are two methods of setting up package directories, the first doesnt include the use of a 'mod system' the second does. There are various reasons for using each of these which will be explained later.

Base Game Package

For UE3 the location of where we create our package directories changed somewhat from UE2. Instead of residing in the games {Base Directory} they now belong in a new location, which does also depend if youre working with UT3 or UDK. For UDK the directory was changed to the base development directory allowing for more access to script then UT3 modding would allow. As far as Im aware UDK does not support our second method for using a 'mod system' but UT3 and UT2004 do.

ou will need to first make the package directory and then the Classes directory. The following example shows the package folders being:

UT2004 - {Base Directory}\System
UT3 - {User Documents Directory}\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Src
UDK - {Base Directory}\Development\Src

You should have a directory structure like:

UT2004 - {Base Directory}\System\{Your Package}\Classes
UT3 - {User Documents Directory}\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Src\{Your Package}\Classes
UDK - {Base Directory}\Development\Src\{Your Package}\Classes

Mod System Package

UT2004 - {Base Directory}\{YourMod}\{YourModPackage}\ <– UnrealScript package for your mod

You should have a directory structure like:

UT2004 -{Base Directory}\{YourMod}\{YourModPackage}\Classes <– put you source code here