From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Constants with same name in different functions (UE1)
The UE1 compiler UCC.EXE does not support constants with the same name in different functions.
class test expands Object; function Nothing1() { const CDebug = true; return; } function Nothing2() { const CDebug = true; return; }
On compiling this, a GPF occurs:
Parsing Test General protection fault!
History: FScriptCompiler::CompileConst <- Const <- FScriptCompiler::CompileDeclaration <- FScriptCompiler::CompileStatement <- FirstPass <- TryCompile <- FScriptCompiler::CompileScript <- (Class BarbiesWorld.Test, Pass 0, Line 9) <- MakeScript <- MakeScript <- DoScripts <- UEditorEngine::MakeScripts <- UMakeCommandlet::Main
Exiting due to error
--SeriousBarbie (talk) 23:33, 18 November 2015 (EST)