<uscript> class NukeRifleFire extends ShockBeamFire;
var() int Damage; // per wave var() float MomentumTransfer; // per wave var() float DamageRadius; // of final wave
function DoTrace(Vector Start, Rotator Dir) { local Vector X;
X = vector(Dir); TracePart(Start,Start+X*TraceRange,X,Dir,Instigator); }
function TracePart(Vector Start, Vector End, Vector X, Rotator Dir, Pawn Ignored) {
local Vector HitLocation, HitNormal; local Actor Other;
local NukeRifleProjectile Mushroom_cloud;
Other = Ignored.Trace(HitLocation, HitNormal, End, Start, true);
if ( (Other != None) && (Other != Ignored) ) { //if ( !Other.bWorldGeometry ) //{ HitNormal = Vect(0,0,0); //if ( (Pawn(Other) != None) && (HitLocation != Start) && Weapon.IsA('NukeRifle') )
// TracePart(HitLocation,End,X,Dir,Pawn(Other));
//} } else { HitLocation = End; HitNormal = Vect(0,0,0); }
SpawnBeamEffect(Start, Dir, HitLocation, HitNormal, 0); if( Instigator.bDeleteMe != true ) Mushroom_cloud = Spawn(class'my_mod2.NukeRifleProjectile',Instigator,, HitLocation - (100*Normal(HitLocation - Start)) , Dir); }
function SpawnBeamEffect(Vector Start, Rotator Dir, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, int ReflectNum) {
local ShockBeamEffect Beam; if ( (Instigator.PlayerReplicationInfo.Team != None) && (Instigator.PlayerReplicationInfo.Team.TeamIndex == 1) )
Beam = Spawn(class'BlueSuperShockBeam',,, Start, Dir); else Beam = Spawn(BeamEffectClass,,, Start, Dir);
if (ReflectNum != 0) Beam.Instigator = None; // prevents client side repositioning of beam start Beam.AimAt(HitLocation, HitNormal);
defaultproperties {
AmmoClass=class'SuperShockAmmo' AmmoPerFire=0 DamageType=class'my_mod2.DamTypeNukeRifle' DamageMin=500 DamageMax=500
FireSound=Sound'WeaponSounds.instagib_rifleshot' FireForce="ShockRifleFire" bReflective=true FireRate=1.5
BeamEffectClass=class'SuperShockBeamEffect' bModeExclusive=true
} </uscript>
SuperApe: Needs class page markup, reguardless. Needs linkage. Which version is this for?
sweavo: in my opinion this should be deleted, unless the author's around and happy to post a zip file with the textures etc in it.
Category:Legacy To Do – See Discussion above.