From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
This is the weapon class of the ONSManualGunPawn, aka. Energy Turret. This sets gfx properties and implements the damage doled out by the Energy Turret.
- class<ONSTurretBeamEffect> BeamEffectClass[2]
- Different BeamEffect for red/blue teams.
- StaticPrecache( LevelInfo L ) (static)
- UpdatePrecacheMaterials() (simualted)
- TraceFire( vector Start, rotator dir )
- This performs a trace from the Start vector to the HitLocation and applies (DamageMin + Rand(DamageMax - DamageMin)) damage the actor it hit. Calls SpawnHitEffects().
- SpawnHitEffects( actor HitActor, vector HitLocation. vector HitNormal ) (simulated)
- While not on a DedicatedServer and not in Low detail mode, spawns BeamEffects of the BeamEffectClass. Offsets are made for left and right gun barrel fire.
Related Topics
- Vehicle – Parent class for all vehicles and turrets.
- Vehicle Gameplay