Legacy:Pawn (UT)/Events
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
- AlterDestination ( )
- This function is called when using movetoward with bAdvancedTactics true, to temporarily modify the pawn's destination.
- ClientHearSound (Actor (UT) Actor, int Id, sound S, vector SoundLocation, vector Parameters) [native, simulated]
- Presumably called to handle audio events but does not appear to be called from UScript.
- ClientMessage (coerce string S, optional name Type, optional bool bBeep)
- This function passes the message specified on to the client's HUD and console.
- EnemyNotVisible ( )
- Called when the pawn's enemy is no longer visible.
- HearNoise (float Loudness, Actor (UT) NoiseMaker)
- This function is called when a pawn "hears" a sound. It can be used to set a pawns reaction to the noise maker or make the pawn ignore the noise altogether.
- LongFall ( )
- This function is called when the pawn is falling for a "long" time (whatever long is defined as).
- MayFall ( )
- This function returns true if the pawn is allowed to fall. This function is called by the engine when the pawn is about to fall.
- ReceiveLocalizedMessage (class<LocalMessage (UT)> Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo (UT) RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo (UT) RelatedPRI_2, optional Object (UT) OptionalObject)
- Called to handle the recieve of a message locally - ultimately implemented by a native function.
- SeePlayer (Actor (UT) Seen)
- This function is called when the pawn sees an actor (typically a player). It can be used to set the pawns reaction to the player's appearence.
- SpeechTimer ( )
- Presumably prevents flooding of speech channels by bots and players.
- TeamMessage (PlayerReplicationInfo (UT) PRI, coerce string S, name Type, optional bool bBeep)
- This function passes the message specified on to the client's HUD and console.
- UpdateEyeHeight (float DeltaTime)
- This is called if a bot is viewtarget of a player.
- UpdateTactics (float DeltaTime)
- Called to tell the AI to use advanced tactics or not.
- WalkTexture (Texture (UT) Texture, vector StepLocation, vector StepNormal)
- Used to add textures at the point the player walks? - maybe for footprints or something?
- BaseChange ( ) [singular]
- This function is called when the players "base" changes. It's not clear under what conditions this function is called but certainly no floor, standing on decorations etc cause this function to be called.
- bool EncroachingOn (Actor (UT) Other)
- Called when this pawn is encroaching on Other. I think it's that way around
- EncroachedBy (Actor (UT) Other)
- Called when this pawn is encroached by Other. Used by movers to squish players. I think it's that way around
- FootZoneChange (ZoneInfo (UT) newFootZone)
- This function is called when the pawn's "feet" changes zones.
- FellOutOfWorld ( )
- This function is called when the pawn falls out of the world. This function only affects Pawns for which the current Role is ROLE_Authority. The
function is also called. - HeadZoneChange (ZoneInfo (UT) newHeadZone)
- This function is called when the pawn's "head" changes zones.
- Landed (vector HitNormal)
- This function is called when the pawn lands after falling.
- PainTimer ( )
- This function is used to inflict pain on bots when they are under water, and force them to go up for air. more or less anyway
- PlayerTimeOut ( )
- Automatically suicides the player when they timeout.
- RenderOverlays (Canvas (UT) Canvas) [simulated]
- This function is called to draw the first person view of the currently carried inventory or weapon.
See Also
- Legacy:Pawn (UT)/Graphics And Animation functions for the list of functions used to handle pawn animations and graphics.
- Legacy:Pawn (UT)/Movement functions for the list of functions used to handle pawn movement.
- Legacy:Pawn (UT)/AI Functions for the list of functions used by the AI system to bring the pawns to life.
- Legacy:Pawn (UT)/Audio functions for the list of functions used to handle sounds
- Legacy:Pawn (UT)/Inventory functions for the functions available to a pawn when it needs to manipulate its inventory.
- Other Legacy:Pawn (UT)/Functions for the rest of the functions available to a pawn.