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AIController which is controlling a pawn through a ScriptedSequence specified by an AIScript.
- Controller PendingController
- controller which will get this Pawn after scripted sequence is complete.
- int ActionNum
- each action in a ScriptedSequence has a number.
- int AnimsRemaining
- how many animations are left in an action or sequence.
- ScriptedSequence SequenceScript
- the ScriptedSequence the ScriptedController will use.
- LatentScriptedAction CurrentAction
- used for action completion queries.
- Action_PLAYANIM CurrentAnimation
- the current animation in the sequence.
- bool bBroken
- a Target is still in view or not.
- bool bShootTarget
- ScriptedAction is an ACTION_ShootTarget or not.
- bool bShootSpray
- continue shooting or not.
- bool bPendingShoot
- waiting to shoot or not.
- bool bFakeShot
- this is currently a hack.
- bool bUseScriptFacing
- script is setting or not what the Pawn's focus is.
- bool bPendingDoubleJump
- the Pawn can double jump or not.
- bool bFineWeaponControl
- bPressFire or bPressAltFire? (ACTION_FireWeaponline45).
- Actor ScriptedFocus
- the Actor or Target that the Pawn should be focused on.
- PlayerController MyPlayerController
- the Pawn's controller, either a Player or not.
- int NumShots
- number of times to shoot before StopFiring.
- name FiringMode
- appropriate firing mode, bFire or bAltFire.
- int IterationCounter
- number of iterations in an action.
- int IterationSectionStart
- where to start the number of iterations.
- bool WeaponFireAgain( float RefireRate, bool bFinishedFire )
- called by Weapon. Returns false to stop firing weapon.
- TakeControlOf( Pawn aPawn )
- lets the script take over the Pawn.
- SetEnemyReaction( int AlertnessLevel )
- used in subclasses such as Bot to determine how to react to enemies.
- Pawn GetMyPlayer()
- returns the original Controller of the Pawn.
- Pawn GetInstigator()
- returns the Pawn who is causing damage to the Pawn being controlled.
- Actor GetSoundSource()
- returns the SequenceScript that has a ScriptedAction that's an Action_PLAYSOUND.
- bool CheckIfNearPlayer( float Distance )
- check if a Player is closer than the Distance passed in and is in view.
- ClearScript()
- clear out any actions remaining in the SequenceScript.
- SetNewScript( ScriptedSequence NewScript )
- set the SequenceScript to the NewScript that was passed in.
- ClearAnimation()
- clear out any remaining animations.
- int SetFireYaw( int FireYaw )
- set direction to shoot
- rotator AdjustAim( Ammunition FiredAmmunition, vector projStart, int AimError )
- adjusts aiming direction.
- LeaveScripting()
- leave the SequenceScript and unpossess the pawn
- NotifyJumpApex()
- notified when Pawn is at jump apex.
- DisplayDebug( Canvas Canvas, out float YL, out float YPos )
- UnPossess()
- Scripted sequence is over - return control to PendingController
- LeaveScripting()
- Calls UnPossess().
- InitForNextAction()
- Trigger( Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator )
- if CurrentAction.CompleteWhenTriggered(), calls CompleteAction().
- Timer()
- if CurrentAction.WaitForPlayer() and CheckIfNearPlayer(CurrentAction.GetDistance()), calls CompleteAction(). Otherwise if CurrentAction.CompleteWhenTimer(), calls CompleteAction().
- AnimEnd( int Channel )
- LIPSincAnimEnd()
- if CurrentAction.CompleteOnLIPSincAnim(), call CompleteAction(), else call Pawn.LIPSincAnimEnd().
- CompleteAction()
- Calls CurrentAction.ActionCompleted(), sets ActionNum++ and switches to state Scripting.Begin.
- SetMoveTarget()
- AbortScript()
- Calls LeaveScripting().
- bool WeaponFireAgain( float RefireRate, bool bFinishedFire )
- Notification from weapon when it is ready to fire (either just finished firing, or just finished coming up/reloading). Returns true if weapon should fire. If it returns false, can optionally set up a weapon change.
- Tick( float DeltaTime )
- If bPendingShoot, sets bPendingShoot = false and calls MayShootTarget(). If !bPendingShoot and CurrentAction == None or !CurrentAction.StillTicking(self,DeltaTime), disables Tick().
- MayShootAtEnemy()
- MayShootTarget()
- Calls WeaponFireAgain(0,false).
- EndState()
- Sets bUseScriptFacing = true and bFakeShot = false.
- Begin
- Calls InitforNextAction(). If bBroken, switches to state Broken. If CurrentAction.TickedAction(), enables Tick(). If !bFineWeaponControl, if !bShootTarget, sets bFire = 0 and bAltFire = 0, else calls Pawn.Weapon.RateSelf() and if bShootSpray, calls MayShootTarget(). If CurrentAction.MoveToGoal(), calls Pawn.SetMovementPhysics() and WaitForLanding() (and continues through KeepMoving)
- KeepMoving
- (If CurrentAction.TickedAction(), ) Calls SetMoveTarget() and MayShootTarget() and if MoveTarget != None and MoveTarget != Pawn, calls MoveToward(MoveTarget, Focus,,,Pawn.bIsWalking) and if MoveTarget != CurrentAction.GetMoveTargetFor(self) or !Pawn.ReachedDestination(CurrentAction.GetMoveTargetFor(self), goes to KeepMoving. Calls CompleteAction(). Else if CurrentAction.TurnToGoal(), calls Pawn.SetMovementPhysics(), sets Focus = CurrentAction.GetMoveTargetFor(self), if Focus == None, sets FocalPoint = Pawn.Location + 1000 * vector(SequenceScript.Rotation), calls FinishRotation() and CompleteAction(). Else sets Pawn.Acceleration = vect(0,0,0) and Focus = ScriptedFocus, if !bUseScriptFacing, sets FocalPoint = Pawn.Location + 1000 * vector(Pawn.Rotation), else if, Focus == None, calls MayShootAtEnemy() and sets FocalPoint = Pawn.Location + 1000 * vector(SequenceScript.Rotation), calls FinishRotation() and MayShootTarget().
Broken : Broken scripted sequence - for debugging
- Begin
- Sends a warning to the log that the ScriptedScript is BROKEN and gives the CurrentAction. Sets Pawn.bPhysicsAnimUpdate = false and calls Pawn.StopAnimating(). If GetMyPlayer() != None, it calls PlayerController(GetMyPlayer().Controller).SetViewTarget(Pawn).
Known Subclasses
ScriptedController +- Bot | +- xBot | +- InvasionBot (Epic Bonuspack & UT2004) +- MonsterController (Epic Bonuspack & UT2004) +- ScriptedTriggerController
Related Topcis
- Creating And Using ScriptedActions
- Artificial Intelligence – A super topic for all AI