A Teleporter is a method by which an actor (usually a Pawn (UT)/Pawn) can be sent from one location to another. Teleporters are typically used to connect two disjunctive locations on a level, but this comes nowhere near the extent of what they are capable of being used for. Teleporters can also be used to send players to other levels, or even to send them to static Unreal servers found somewhere on the internet. For a simple tutorial on using them, read Teleportation Basics or udn2:LevelTransitions.
Teleporter Group
- The URL property determines where the actor will be teleported to. This can take several forms:
- <blank>
- Acts only as a teleporter destination.
- TeleporterName
- Teleports to a named teleporter in this level.
- * TeleporterName
- The Tag of the teleporter to teleport to.
- LevelName#TeleporterName
- Teleports to a different level on this server.
- * LevelName
- The name of the level to teleport to. (Without the extenstion. .UNR for UT, .UT2 for UT200*)
- Unreal://server.domain.com:port/LevelName#TeleporterName
- Teleports to a different server on the net.
- * server.domain.com
- The domain name or IP address of the server to connect to.
- * port
- The port the server is running on (if different from the default).
- bChangesVelocity, TargetVelocity
- If bChangesVelocity is set to False, then the Actor that enters the Teleporter will exit the destination Teleporter with the same velocity as it originally had. If True, then the Actor's velocity will be changed to match the TargetVelocity vector when it is successfully teleported. (Note: these variables are applied to the destination Teleporter, not the starting Teleporter.)
- bChangesYaw
- If set to True, this Teleporter will alter the direction an incoming Actor faces. The change in yaw is relative to the incoming Actor's yaw prior to teleportation. The amount of change is determined by the Movement -> Rotation.Yaw of this Teleporter. Because the end result Yaw is not absolute, this is only slightly useful to keep a player from facing a wall after he is teleported. The custom YawTeleporter class fixes this behaviour.
- Note: For this to work in network games, set Advanced -> bNoDelete to True.
- bReversesX, bReversesY, bReversesZ
- If any of these is set to True, then that particular component of the teleported Actor's velocity will be reversed. (Note: these variables are applied to the destination Teleporter.)
- bEnabled
- This determines if the Teleporter is currently turned on. Triggering the Teleporter will toggle it on and off. Turning a Teleporter on when it has actors inside it will cause the Teleporter to try to teleport those Actors.
Events Group
- Tag
- The name of this Teleporter, for other teleporter's to use in their URL properties.
Teleporter toggles the bEnabled property when triggered. See Trigger Systems for ways to use this.
Known Subclasses
Teleporter +- UnrealShare.FavoritesTeleporter (UT only) – This class is broken, it acts the same as a normal Teleporter. +- Botpack.VisibleTeleporter (UT only) – A regular Teleporter with a visual effect. +- DelayedTeleporter (Custom) – Deactivates for a short time after usage to prevent telefragging. +- YawTeleporter (Custom) – Sets the player's yaw to a fixed value when leaving the Teleporter.
Related Topics
- Teleportation Basics
- udn2:LevelTransitions
- Other types of Teleporter:
- TeleporterZone (UT only)
- WarpZoneInfo
- TransbeaconTeleporter (UT2003/UT2004 only)
Wormbo: This page seems to cover only the UT Teleporter class. Should it be renamed to "Teleporter (UT)" or should it be updated with UT2k3 info. (If the differences aren't too big.)
Psyk: It doesn't look like anything has changed in 2kx. All this info is relevant in any case.
Fyfe: There's only been some minor changes (for bots and vehicles) between UT and UT200*, and there's no subclasses in UT200*.
Fyfe: Updated for UT200*, is it OK to remove these comments now?