From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
This zone creates an effect similar to tar - if you fall in it be prepared to for a long slow wade to the edge of the tar pool. This stuff is particularly sticky.
ZoneFluidFriction = 4.000000
ZoneTerminalVelocity = 250.000000
EntrySound = Sound'UnrealShare.Generic.LavaEn'
ExitSound = Sound'UnrealShare.Generic.LavaEx'
bWaterZone = True
ViewFlash = (X=-0.390000,Y=-0.390000,Z=-0.390000)
ViewFog = (X=0.312500,Y=0.312500,Z=0.234375)
- event ActorEntered( actor Other )
- When the actor enters the zone increase the default water speed by a factor of ten.
- event ActorLeaving( actor Other )
- When the actor leaves the zone re-set the water speed to its default.