Legacy:UnrealScript Language Reference/Language Functionality

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Language Functionality

Built-In Operators And Their Precedence

UnrealScript provides a wide variety of C/C++/Java-style operators for such operations as adding numbers together, comaring values, and incrementing variables. The complete set of operators is defined in Object.u, but here is a recap. Here are the standard operators, in order of precedence.  Note that all of the C style operators have the same precedence as they do in C.

Operator Types it applies to Meaning
$ string String concatenation
*= byte, int, float, vector, rotation Multiply and assign
/= byte, int, float, vector, rotation Divide and assign
+= byte, int, float, vector Add and assign
-=- byte, int, float, vector Subtract and assign

|bool |Logical or |- | style="text-align: center" |&& |bool |Logical and |- | style="text-align: center" |& |int |Bitwise and |- | style="text-align: center" |{|

|} |int |Bitwise or |- | style="text-align: center" |^ |int |Bitwise exlusive or |- | style="text-align: center" |!= |all |Compare for inequality |- | style="text-align: center" |---- |all |Compare for equality |- | style="text-align: center" |< |byte, int, float, string |Less than |- | style="text-align: center" |> |byte, int, float, string |Greater than |- | style="text-align: center" |<= |byte, int, float, string |Less than or equal to |- | style="text-align: center" |>= |byte, int, float, string |Greater than or equal to |- | style="text-align: center" |~= |float, string |Approximate equality (within 0.0001), case-insensitive equality |- | style="text-align: center" |<< |int, vector |Left shift (int), Forward vector transformation (vector) |- | style="text-align: center" |>> |int, vector |Right shift (int), Reverse vector transformation (vector) |- | style="text-align: center" |+ |byte, int, float, vector |Add |- | style="text-align: center" |- |byte, int, float, vector |Subtract |- | style="text-align: center" |% |float |Modulo (remainder after division) |- | style="text-align: center" |* |byte, int, float, vector, rotation |Multiply |- | style="text-align: center" |/ |byte, int, float, vector, rotation |Divide |- | style="text-align: center" |dot |vector |Vector dot product |- | style="text-align: center" |cross |vector |Vector cross product |- | style="text-align: center" |** |float |Exponentiation |}

The above table lists the operators in order of precedence (with operators of the same precedence grouped together). When you type in a complex expression like "1*2+3*4", UnrealScript automatically groups the operators by precedence. Since multiplication has a higher precedence than addition, the expression is evaluated as "(1*2)+(3*4)".

The "&&" (logical and) and "||" (logical or) operators are short-circuited: if the result of the expression can be determined solely from the first expression (for example, if the first argument of && is false), the second expression is not evaluated.

In addition, UnrealScript supports the following unary operators:

Operator Types it applies to Meaning
! bool Logical not
- int, float negation
~ int bitwise negation
++, -- int, float Increment or Decrement (either before or after a variable)
more on this topic in the Wiki: Operators

General-Purpose Functions

Integer functions:

int Rand( int Max )
Returns a random number from 0 to Max-1.
int Min( int A, int B )
Returns the minimum of the two numbers.
int Max( int A, int B )
Returns the maximum of the two numbers.
int Clamp( int V, int A, int B )
Returns the first number clamped to the interval from A to B.

Floating point functions:

float Abs( float A )
Returns the absolute value of the number.
float Sin( float A )
Returns the sine of the number expressed in radius.
float Cos( float A )
Returns the cosine of the number expressed in radians.
float Tan( float A )
Returns the tangent of the number expressed in radians.
float Atan( float A )
Returns the inverse tangent of the number expressed in radians.
float Exp( float A )
Returns the constant "e" raised to the power of A.
float Loge( float A )
Returns the log (to the base "e") of A.
float Sqrt( float A )
Returns the square root of A.
float Square( float A )
Returns the square of A = A*A.
float FRand()
Returns a random number from 0.0 to 1.0.
float FMin( float A, float B )
Returns the minimum of two numbers.
float FMax( float A, float B )
Returns the maximum of two numbers.
float FClamp( float V, float A, float B )
Returns the first number clamped to the interval from A to B.
float Lerp( float Alpha, float A, float B )
Returns the linear interpolation between A and B.
float Smerp( float Alpha, float A, float B )
Returns an Alpha-smooth nonlinear interpolation between A and B.

Unreal’s string functions have a distinct Basic look and feel:

int Len( coerce string[255] S )
Returns the length of a string.
int InStr( coerce string[255] S, coerce string[255] t)
Returns the offset into the first string of the second string if it exists, or -1 if not.
string[255] Mid ( coerce string[255] S, int i, optional int j )
Returns the middle part of the string S, starting and character i and including j characters (or all of them if j is not specified).
string[255] Left ( coerce string[255] S, int i )
Returns the i leftmost characters of s.
string[255] Right ( coerce string[255] S, int i )
Returns the i rightmost characters of s.
string[255] Caps ( coerce string[255] S )
Returns S converted to uppercase.

Vector functions:

float Size( vector A )
Returns the euclidean size of the vector (the square root of the sum of the components squared).
vector Normal( vector A )
Returns a vector of size 1.0, facing in the direction of the specified vector.
Invert ( out vector X, out vector Y, out vector Z )
Inverts a coordinate system specified by three axis vectors.
vector VRand ( )
Returns a uniformly distributed random vector.
float Dist ( vector A, vector B )
Returns the euclidean distance between two points.
vector MirrorVectorByNormal( vector Vect, vector Normal )
Mirrors a vector about a specified normal vector.
more on this topic in the Wiki: Global Function

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