From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Weapons in UT2003 have been divided up into multiple actors, of which this one is intimately involved. WeaponFire actors and their children form the FireMode[i] array in Weapon which manifests itself on the screen as the different modes of firing a weapon can do (typically the primary and secondary fire). The properties for the firing of a weapon reside in the weaponfire classes, including fire rate, damage, etc.
- bool bSplashDamage
- bool bSplashJump
- bool bRecommendSplashDamage
- bool bTossed
- bool bLeadTarget
- bool bInstantHit
other useful stuff
- bool bPawnRapidFireAnim
- for determining what anim the firer should play
- bool bReflective
- bool bTimerLoop
- bool bFireOnRelease
- if true, shot will be fired when button is released, HoldTime will be the time the button was held for
- bool bWaitForRelease
- if true, fire button must be released between each shot
- bool bModeExclusive
- if true, no other fire modes can be active at the same time as this one
- bool bIsFiring
- bool bNowWaiting
- bool bServerDelayStopFire
- bool bServerDelayStartFire
- bool bInstantStop
muzzle flash & smoke
- bool bAttachSmokeEmitter
- bool bAttachFlashEmitter
- float TimerInterval
- float NextTimerPop
- Weapon Weapon
- pawn Instigator
- LevelInfo Level
- Actor Owner
- float NextFireTime
- float PreFireTime
- seconds before first shot
- float MaxHoldTime
- float HoldTime
- int ThisModeNum
- float TransientSoundVolume
- float TransientSoundRadius
- Name PreFireAnim
- Name FireAnim
- Name FireLoopAnim
- Name FireEndAnim
- Name ReloadAnim
- float PreFireAnimRate
- float FireAnimRate
- float FireLoopAnimRate
- float FireEndAnimRate
- float ReloadAnimRate
- float TweenTime
- Sound FireSound
- Sound ReloadSound
- Sound NoAmmoSound
Force Feedback
- String FireForce
- String ReloadForce
- String NoAmmoForce
- float FireRate
- seconds between shots
- float ServerStartFireTime
- class<Ammunition> AmmoClass
- int AmmoPerFire
- int AmmoClipSize
- float Load
camera shakes
- vector ShakeRotMag
- how far to rot view
- vector ShakeRotRate
- how fast to rot view
- float ShakeRotTime
- how much time to rot the instigator's view
- vector ShakeOffsetMag
- max view offset vertically
- vector ShakeOffsetRate
- how fast to offset view vertically
- float ShakeOffsetTime
- how much time to offset view
- class<Projectile> ProjectileClass
- float BotRefireRate
- float WarnTargetPct
- class<xEmitter> FlashEmitterClass
- xEmitter FlashEmitter
- class<xEmitter> SmokeEmitterClass
- xEmitter SmokeEmitter
- float AimError
- 0=none 1000=quite a bit
- float Spread
- rotator units. no relation to AimError
- enum ESpreadStyle (SpreadStyle)
- SS_None
- SS_Random
- spread is max random angle deviation
- SS_Line
- spread is angle between each projectile
- SS_Ring
Known Subclasses
- WeaponFire
- BallTarget
- FM_Turret_AltFire_Shield
- FM_Turret_AltFire_Minigun
- InstantFire
- AssualtFire
- ClassicSniperFire
- FM_SpaceFighter_InstantHitLaser
- FM_Turret_IonCannon_Fire
- FM_Turret_Minigun_Fire
- MinigunFire
- ShockBeamFire
- SniperFire
- LinkFire
- PainterFire
- PainterZoom
- ProjectileFire
- AssaultGrenade
- BallShoot
- BioChargedFire
- BioFire
- FlakAltFire
- FlakFire
- FM_BallTurret_Fire
- FM_LinkTurret_Fire
- FM_Sentinel_Fire
- FM_SpaceFighter_AltFire
- LinkAltFire
- RedeemerFire
- RocketFire
- RocketMultiFire
- ShockProjFire
- TransFire
- ShieldAltFire
- ShieldFire
- SniperZoom
- TransRecall
OlympusMons: Need to get some stuff happening for the ut2004 weaponfire class. Ok so I did pretty much straight from the source but comments will be addded.
Category:Legacy Class (UT2004)
Category:Legacy Class Tree
Category:Legacy To Do – add functions and bring properties into standard format