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Revision as of 14:45, 10 January 2005 by EntropicLqd (talk | contribs) (revert)
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UT2003 :: Actor >> NavigationPoint >> JumpDest >> JumpSpot >> GameObjective >> CTFBase >> xRealCTFBase

Adds just two things to CTFBase: it puts the team symbol on its flag skin, and starts the flag animation. It also specifies the actual flag mesh to use.


The current GameReplicationInfo, used in UpdateForTeam.
Used in placing the flag holder mesh, which is created by the subclasses in their PostBeginPlay methods since there are different skins for each team.


Puts the team symbol on the flag skin.
Calls UpdateForTeam.
Starts the flag animation.

Known Subclasses

NickR: It seems that it doesn't matter what you do, you just can't destroy these actors via the code. If you .destroy() them before their BeginPlay() is called they do not get destroyed. So what's up? I want to use CTF maps without the flags!

Wormbo: Try Disable()ing their BeginPlay() and other relevant events, set them to be hidden and disable their collision.