
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 23:38, 13 April 2004 by EntropicLqd (talk | contribs) (hello and welcome)
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(I think it's ok to edit the "personal pages").

Zeh, also known as Rorshack (no, not THE Rorschach from Polycount's fame) lives at Brazil and is currently learning modding with Unreal Tournament.

Zeh's outdated Portfolio (new one as soon as I can get myself free from UT modding.. this is hard!)

I'm currently working on a pseudo-mod based on the Thundercats world, entitled "The Third Earth". This is a one-man project but it's coming along nicely. More news in the future. In the meanwhile, unsorted crap can be found at:


EntropicLqd: Hi, welcome to the Wiki. Enjoy your stay.