Legacy:Offline Wiki

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
(Redirected from unrealwiki:Offline Wiki)

"...insanely useful..." – BeyondUnreal

If you can't spend as much time surfing the Unreal Wiki as you like because your Internet provider charges you by the minute or you don't even have an Internet connection at home, we're providing the entire Unreal Wiki content as a single download for you.

  • The offline Wiki allows you to conveniently browse the entire Unreal Wiki content from your local hard disk without requiring an Internet connection.
  • All dynamic features (such as searching the Wiki, editing pages, and viewing older page revisions or version diffs) lead back to the live online Wiki.
  • Given that dozens of pages are added and changed every day on the Unreal Wiki, your offline copy is bound to be outdated after a while. Be sure to check back for updates regularly on Recent Changes.

Note that even though the content on Unreal Wiki is free for use, it is nonetheless subject to our copyright statement. The offline Wiki download is for private use only and not to be distributed commercially.

Download the Unreal Wiki

You can obtain the downloadable Unreal Wiki from the following location:

BeyondUnreal.com [ unrealwiki-offline.zip]

Note: This version of the offline Wiki is the last-generated version of the old UseMod-powered Unreal Wiki from April 5 2008.

Note 2: This link is currently dead but the file can still be downloaded from unreal.ut-files with the file name "UnrealWiki_Offline".


  • Extract the archive you downloaded into a directory of your liking.
  • Start browsing your offline Wiki copy by opening (start).html or (start) in your web browser.

Every page on the offline Wiki has a link to its live online version at the very bottom of the page, along with a timestamp telling you when the copy was generated from the live Wiki.

The offline Wiki should be compatible with all platforms that support .zip files and long file names up to 32 characters. If you have any problems downloading or using the offline Wiki, leave a message on the discussion page.

Legacy:Offline Wiki/Discuss this page.