Cogito, ergo sum


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This idea has been knocking around for ages, years even. Tempted to make a start on it in December. Time will tell!


Been banging my head on vehicles for a bit tonight. Turns out the gametype needs bAllowVehicles. Duh.


From Inbox of all places, found a start of how to create a gametype.

class CarJackMatch extends TeamGame;
   Description="Kagato's mad scramble for all the cars in the map"

Not convinced TeamGame is the right base class, VCTF may be a better idea, or Onslaught. Have to wait until I've seen those classes up close.

Also have taken VCTF-GhettoFabulous and started to change it to CJ-GhettoFabulous by creating two garage spaces. God I hate UED!


How's this for a plan?:

  • Make a test map that looks like a carjack map. Make it VCTF, nice and simple, with two garages, some terrain, and a lavapool or something (because we want to make sure we can't get vehs stuck forever)
  • A GarageVolume actor needs to be created that can be placed in the maps and used to detect when a team has captured a veh
  • CJ gametype to implement the rules
  • CJ vehicles to start implementing indestructiblity and jackability

After that it should be a process of iteration and refinement.

Who's in? My mapping skills are poor, coding rusty, but I feel like this could be done in a month.

Kamek: I'd be glad to help in any way I can during some of my spare time. I can do coding, or converting maps from other gametypes to CJ.

Kirk: I'm interested. My skills particular to Unreal are not too awesome but not too shabby. I'd like some more working with it. Check out Kirk for contact details if required :P