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class BruteForce extends Commandlet config(BruteForce);
var private Tokenizer t;
var private Scope s;
var private Compiler c;
var private AST a;
var private Interpreter i;
var config array<string> Code;

Just edit the BruteForce.ini file to change the code.

var array<string> Input;

The input, with argc() and argv() function you can get this info from within BruteForce

/* Main */
event int Main( string Parms )
  local int n;
  local bool showTree, saveTree, noCompile;
  showTree = false;
  saveTree = false;
  noCompile = false;
  class'wString'.static.split2(Parms, " ", Input, true, "\"");
  for (n = input.length-1; n >= 0; n--)
    if (input[n] ~= "-showtree")
      input.remove(n, 1);
      showTree = true;
    else if (input[n] ~= "-savetree")
      input.remove(n, 1);
      saveTree = true;
    else if (input[n] ~= "-nocompile")
      input.remove(n, 1);
      noCompile = true;

Process the commandline arguments, we have three special case parameters that we use for certain parts:

-showtree will display the AST-

-savetree will save the tree to the config file, if the tree is saved you no longer need to compile the code-

-nocompile don't compile the code, just execute the AST-

  s = new class'Scope';  
  a = new class'AST';
  i = new class'Interpreter';
  if (!noCompile)
    t = new class'Tokenizer';
    c = new class'Compiler';
    c.Compile(t, a);
    Log("Compile time: ");
  if (showTree) a.printTree();
  i.Create(a, s, input);
  Log("Execution time: ");
  if (saveTree) a.SaveConfig();
  return 0;