I don't need to test my programs. I have an error-correcting modem.


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About me:[edit]

I'm a coder at heart... always have been, always will be.

Unfortunately I'm not a coder by skill og talent, so learning is a slow process for me. But I intend to keep trying until I get it right.

I hope I'll be able to bring some nice coding tutorials to the Wiki, since I learn a lot more by writing out stuff.

I also have a thing I really would like to make in the UT2004 engine, but I'll post that on a later date, when I have the time (and inclination)

Current status[edit]

right now, playing with the markup to get a decent feel for it... soon I'll be running rampant through the Wiki, butt-naked and with a spellchecker in hand :)

I'm also in the proces of figuring out how I should use this page for something interesting... for starters I'll try a blog-like thingie.. maybe that'll keep me occupied ;)


NetSapiens/Coding Diary

Pet Projects


Tarquin: Hi, welcome to the wiki. :)

NetSapiens: Thank you kindly. I'll try not to break anything while I'm here :) But I must admit that I am a bit intimidated by the possibility that I might do just that, so bear with me if I don't change too many things initially.

Tarquin: Note the revisions links at the foot of each page. :) We can easily go back to a previous version of a page, so no harm done.

NetSapiens: hmmm... now I've gone and done it... I changed the title of my diary page, and now I've orphaned the page I made there, since the reference is gone. How do I go about changing links like that? For now I've changed it back, but I'd like to know how I change the Blog/Coding Diary to just "Coding Diary" without losing the link?