Gah - a solution with more questions. – EntropicLqd


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Who The Hell Is This[edit]

I am a student at the Savannah College of Art and Design, working on a major in Interactive Design and Game Development (Game design for short). The program's game of choice for mapping stuff is UT2004. I've become a fan of level design, but I also like coding so I'm dedicating this summer to getting familiar with UnrealScript.

What I'm Doing[edit]

My summer project is to get even more familiar with Unreal (especially UnrealScript), so to do so, I'm going to see if I can put together a mini-mod of my own (or at least pump out a few vehicle classes of my own). Right now I'm looking at something like a space flight sim (TIE Fighter, anyone?) along with a non-flying element – but that's long term. Short term, as I said, is just a few ships (with the first and current one being a fighter).