Once I get that upgrade to 36-hour days, I will tackle that. – Mychaeel

Legacy:UTServerAdminSpectator (UT)

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Actor >> Pawn (UT) >> PlayerPawn >> Spectator >> MessagingSpectator (UT) >> UTServerAdminSpectator

A spectator class used by UTServerAdmin to send messages from the remote console to players in the game.

Note: An UTServerAdminSpectator is always present in network games, and hence also shows up when traveling the PawnList. Never forget to check for Pawn (UT).bIsPlayer when doing that.


ListItem MessageList 
byte ReceivedMsgNum 
config byte ReceivedMsgMax 
config bool bClientMessages 
config bool bTeamMessages 
config bool bVoiceMessages 
config bool bLocalizedMessages 

PlayerMessage struct[edit]

PlayerReplicationInfo PRI 
string Text 
name Type 
PlayerMessage Next 

Note: This kind of recursive struct doesn't seem to work in UnrealScript. Obviously it can be declared, but it can't be used for variables.


function AddMessage (PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, String S, name Type) 
function String FormatMessage (PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, String Text, name Type) 
function ClientMessage (coerce string S, optional name Type, optional bool bBeep) 
function TeamMessage (PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, coerce string S, name Type, optional bool bBeep)