Cogito, ergo sum


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Revision as of 13:41, 27 June 2004 by Tarquin (Talk | contribs)

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UT2003 :: Actor >> Pawn >> UnrealPawn



allow L.D. to modify for single player
bool bNoDefaultInventory 
don't spawn default inventory for this guy


bool bIsSquadLeader 
only used as startup property
name SquadName 
only used as startup property


what player has selected (replicate using function)
player can optionally incorporate into loadout
bool bAcceptAllInventory 
can pick up anything
bool bBlobShadow 
bool bKeepTaunting 
bool bPlayerShadows 
bool bPlayOwnFootsteps 
bool bSoakDebug 
use less verbose version of debug display
eDoubleClickDir CurrentDir 
vector GameObjOffset 
rotator GameObjRot 
float LastFootStepTime 
byte LoadOut 
int spree 
string VoiceType 


simulated function bool CheckTauntValid( name Sequence ) 
Returns true if pawn has this taunt sequence
simulated function DisplayDebug(Canvas Canvas, out float YL, out float YPos) 
list important actor variable on canvas. Also show the pawn's controller and weapon info
function vector BotDodge(Vector Dir) 
returns appropriate vector for dodge in direction Dir (which should be normalized)
function HoldGameObject(GameObject gameObj, name GameObjBone) 
function EndJump() 
Called when stop jumping
simulated function ShouldUnCrouch() 
simulated event SetAnimAction(name NewAction) 
function String GetDebugName() 
function FootStepping(int side) 
function name GetWeaponBoneFor(Inventory I) 
function CheckBob(float DeltaTime, vector Y) 
function bool IsInLoadout(class<Inventory> InventoryClass) 
return true if InventoryClass is part of required or optional equipment
function AddDefaultInventory() 
function CreateInventory(string InventoryClassName) 
function bool Dodge(eDoubleClickDir DoubleClickMove) 
simulated function PostBeginPlay() 
function PostNetBeginPlay() 
function RosterEntry GetPlacedRoster() 
function SetMovementPhysics() 
function TakeDrowningDamage()
simulated function PlayFootStep(int Side) 
simulated function ChunkUp( Rotator HitRotation, float ChunkPerterbation ) 
Pawn was killed - detach any controller, and die
simulated function SpawnGibs(Rotator HitRotation, float ChunkPerterbation) 


State TimingOut

function TakeDamage(int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, Vector momentum, class<DamageType> damageType) 
function BeginState() 

State Dying

function Landed(vector HitNormal) 
singular function BaseChange() 
function BeginState() 


pretty bog standard. need to sort functions into AI related and other stuff...

Known Subclasses