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  • ...)]] and Botpack.[[Legacy:TournamentWeapon|TournamentWeapon]] here and have a short look at Botpack.[[Legacy:UT_BioRifle|UT_BioRifle]]'s alt fire mode. When a [[Legacy:PlayerPawn|PlayerPawn]] wants to fire his weapon he executes his F
    5 KB (808 words) - 10:04, 25 December 2002
  • [[Legacy:How UT2003 Weapons Work|How UT2003 Weapons Work]]: Firing A Weapon ...t visible to the person browsing the UnrealScript code; secondly, there is a visible chain of method calls which looks right, until the trail suddenly p
    6 KB (820 words) - 15:29, 2 March 2010

Page text matches

  • This is a page for various code references off the UT2003 code. Any corrections woul ...onna try and update this page at least once a week (usually Saturday) with a few more code references. Any corrections will be helpful.
    7 KB (1,086 words) - 08:10, 8 December 2005
  • ...e complicated to do than I imagined, but still seems to have come together a lot more quickly than I would have thought, given that I've got the majorit ...d from ProjectileFire - one of them handles primary fire mode and launches a single rocket, while the other handles secondary fire mode and launches up
    8 KB (1,483 words) - 06:14, 11 December 2004
  • ...hrough the many calls of shooting a instant hit weapon. More specifically, a Shock Beam Rifle. '''Tarquin:''' The flow chart is a great idea, but now I've looked at it closely, I see that it is mostly line
    4 KB (665 words) - 18:50, 22 January 2006
  • ...ngine code. It will probably always be incomplete. But it should provide a good starting point for those who are trying to learn "what gets called whe ...n a per-class basis. This is a reference-style section, so you can look at a class and see what types of game events cause method calls for this class.
    3 KB (554 words) - 17:22, 17 December 2005
  • ...)]] and Botpack.[[Legacy:TournamentWeapon|TournamentWeapon]] here and have a short look at Botpack.[[Legacy:UT_BioRifle|UT_BioRifle]]'s alt fire mode. When a [[Legacy:PlayerPawn|PlayerPawn]] wants to fire his weapon he executes his F
    5 KB (808 words) - 10:04, 25 December 2002
  • * [[:{{SUBJECTSPACE}}:{{BASEPAGENAME}}/Firing A Weapon]] * [[:{{SUBJECTSPACE}}:{{BASEPAGENAME}}/Picking Up A Weapon]]
    1 KB (161 words) - 01:00, 7 April 2006
  • * [[:{{SUBJECTSPACE}}:{{BASEPAGENAME}}/Firing A Weapon]] * [[Legacy:Weapon Mutator Tutorial|UTute3: Making a Weapon Mutator]]
    496 B (59 words) - 01:00, 7 April 2006
  • [[Legacy:How UT2003 Weapons Work|How UT2003 Weapons Work]]: Firing A Weapon ...t visible to the person browsing the UnrealScript code; secondly, there is a visible chain of method calls which looks right, until the trail suddenly p
    6 KB (820 words) - 15:29, 2 March 2010
  • ...acy:How UT2003 Weapons Work/Firing A Weapon|How UT2003 Weapons Work/Firing A Weapon]]. Again, piece of cake: if the pawn has a weapon, call the weapon Fire function.
    1 KB (218 words) - 11:40, 8 August 2005
  • ...pong" phase. States (and what is known as "state machine programming") are a natural way of making complex object behavior manageable. However, before U ...ly called when the actor is in that state. For example, say you're writing a monster script, and you're contemplating how to handle the "SeePlayer" func
    14 KB (2,181 words) - 07:10, 11 February 2016
  • ...w.syndicatemod.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=58 Syndicate Mod] coder Tanus has a tutorial up based on Solid Snake's code and modified by him and HEGI. I've ...ke, a coder who's proficient both at code and at explaining what he does. A rarity.
    10 KB (1,619 words) - 22:42, 7 August 2003
  • ===Adding a pawn and setting its mesh === ...f you haven't played Unreal 1, you won't know what a Nali is – it is a strange 4 armed alien)
    10 KB (1,823 words) - 15:23, 30 September 2002
  • ...ypically the primary and secondary fire). The properties for the firing of a weapon reside in the weaponfire classes, including fire rate, damage, etc. ; float AimError : 0=none 1000=quite a bit
    6 KB (747 words) - 09:10, 30 March 2010
  • ...ypically the primary and secondary fire). The properties for the firing of a weapon reside in the weaponfire classes, including fire rate, damage, etc. ...o stopping firing briefly and then resuming the next time it thinks it has a good shot. The higher this value is, the more the bot will "spray and pray"
    7 KB (937 words) - 16:54, 24 September 2006