Search results
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Page title matches
- ...] >> [[Legacy:Pawn (UT)|Pawn (UT)]] >> [[Legacy:PlayerPawn|PlayerPawn]] >> Spectator}} ...369 bytes (38 words) - 07:32, 10 February 2003
- {{UE1:Spectator (U1)}} ...22 bytes (3 words) - 09:12, 17 May 2008
- Spectator. | "Spectator" ...5 KB (582 words) - 01:05, 31 October 2011
- Spectator. | "Spectator" ...5 KB (583 words) - 09:10, 17 May 2008
Page text matches
- | parent1 = Spectator MessagingSpectator - spectator base class for game helper spectators which receive messages ...421 bytes (44 words) - 09:10, 17 May 2008
- ...(UT)|Pawn (UT)]] >> [[Legacy:PlayerPawn|PlayerPawn]] >> [[Legacy:Spectator|Spectator]] >> MessagingSpectator}} Spectator base class for game helper spectators which receive messages. ...374 bytes (36 words) - 08:41, 20 April 2002
- {{UE1:Spectator (U1)}} ...22 bytes (3 words) - 09:12, 17 May 2008
- | parent1 = Spectator '''Overrides:''' {{tl|Fire|Spectator}} ...763 bytes (80 words) - 09:10, 17 May 2008
- | parent1 = Spectator '''Overrides:''' {{tl|Fire|Spectator}} ...798 bytes (84 words) - 09:10, 17 May 2008
- * [[Legacy:Spectator|Spectator]] ...439 bytes (51 words) - 03:23, 27 May 2003
- MessagingSpectator - spectator base class for game helper spectators which receive messages ...418 bytes (42 words) - 09:11, 17 May 2008
- MessagingSpectator - spectator base class for game helper spectators which receive messages ...418 bytes (42 words) - 09:10, 17 May 2008
- | parent1 = Spectator DemoRecSpectator - spectator for demo recordings to replicate ClientMessages ...2 KB (233 words) - 09:10, 17 May 2008
- MessagingSpectator - spectator base class for game helper spectators which receive messages ...446 bytes (44 words) - 09:10, 17 May 2008
- | parent1 = Spectator '''Overrides:''' {{tl|Fire|Spectator}} ...2 KB (261 words) - 09:10, 17 May 2008
- '''Default value:''' "became a spectator." '''Default value:''' "Sorry, you cannot become a spectator at this time." ...5 KB (589 words) - 11:47, 6 November 2009
- '''Default value:''' "became a spectator." '''Default value:''' "Sorry, you cannot become a spectator at this time." ...5 KB (577 words) - 09:11, 17 May 2008
- ...] >> [[Legacy:Pawn (UT)|Pawn (UT)]] >> [[Legacy:PlayerPawn|PlayerPawn]] >> Spectator}} ...369 bytes (38 words) - 07:32, 10 February 2003
- # Go to ''Options'' -> ''Player Setup'' and check the ''Play as Spectator'' checkbox. ...way to spectate botmatches. The following mutator can be used to start as spectator: ...2 KB (294 words) - 16:02, 11 April 2009
- '''Default value:''' "became a spectator." '''Default value:''' "Sorry, you cannot become a spectator at this time." ...6 KB (755 words) - 01:59, 16 August 2009
- ====Spectator==== ...6 KB (699 words) - 09:10, 17 May 2008
- ...pawns the PlayerPawn/PlayerController or rejects player, sets player name, spectator, admin login, other stuff: ...age, but an admin is forced to become a spectator, if the server is not at spectator capacity (?) already. ...3 KB (440 words) - 17:46, 15 October 2010