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Legacy:ASVehicle Sentinel

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UT2004 :: Actor >> Pawn >> Vehicle >> ASVehicle >> ASTurret >> ASVehicle Sentinel (Package: UT2k4Assault)

This is the abstract class for the super-powerful automatic turret gun seen in AS games when you get too close to the enemy spawn-zone. To get a close look, check out the map AS-MotherShip. Assuming it was implemented to prevent spawn killing in AS games. It is an abstract class, so one of it's two subclasses must be used (see below), based on weather the sentinel is attached to the floor or the cieling.

Keep in mind that the Sentinel has no means of movement, and cannot be "driven" or "ridden" or "flown." See Vehicle.



float TransientSoundVolume=0.75
float TransientSoundRadius=512
float bNetNotify=true
float Health=1000
float HealthMax=1000
string DefaultWeaponClassName = "UT2k4Assault.Weapon_Sentinel"


All of these are set so the the Sentinel is immobile.
bool bSimulateGravity=false
Physics Physics=PHYS_Rotating
float AirSpeed=0.0
float WaterSpeed=0.0
float AccelRate=0.0
float JumpZ=0.0
float MaxFallSpeed=0.0
bool bIgnoreEncroachers=true
bool bCollideWorld=false
bool bIgnoreForces=true
bool bShouldBaseAtStartup=false


Bool bAutoTurret=true 
true = the turret is controled by the class listed in the property AutoTurretControllerClass. False = ??
Class AutoTurretControllerClass=class <Controller> UT2k4Assault.ASSentinelController
float SightRadius=+25000.0 
The distance at which the turret looks for enemies to fire at.
bool bNonHumanControl=true 
bool bDefensive=true 
 ??? (Assumming that this makes the AI play with defensive tactics...but defending what??? Itself?
bool bStationary=true 
True = This Sentinel is sationary (does not move)
string VehicleNameString="Sentinel" 
The name of this sentinel.
bool bNoTeamBeacon=true 




PlayFiring(optional float Rate, optional name FiringMode)(simulated) 
causes the sentinel to fire.
Plays the animation of the sentinel idling in it's active, "open position".
Plays the animation of the sentinel idling in it's sleeping, "closed".


Sleeping (Auto)[edit]


TakeDamage( int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation,

Vector momentum, class<DamageType> damageType) : Causes the sentinel to automatically wake up when it takes damage.

bool Awake() 
Wakes the sentinel up. bActive set to true, PlayOpening is called, returns true
Plays the animation of the sentinel "deploying" or "unfolding," and brings it into the Opening state.
if bActive = true, then call the PlayOpening() animation, otherwise play PlayIdleClosed().



bool GoToSleep() 
Plays the animation of the sentinel closing and brings it into the Closing state. Also causes the sentinel to emit a snoring sound. Just joking about that last :)
Plays the animation of the sentinel "closing", when it changes from the active state to the sleeping state. (It puts on it's pajamas and brushes it's teeth...It's mommy comes in to tuck it to bed... :) ). Also brings the sentinel into the Closing state.



TakeDamage( int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation,
                       Vector momentum, class<DamageType> damageType)



TakeDamage( int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation,
                       Vector momentum, class<DamageType> damageType)

Known Subclasses[edit]

  +- ASVehicle_Sentinel_Ceiling : Sentinel is right side up so that it can be resting on the floor.
  +- ASVehicle_Sentinel_Floor : Sentinel is upside down so that it can be attached to a cieling.

Related Topics[edit]


Category:Legacy Class (UT2004)

Category:Legacy Class Tree

Category:Legacy To Do – Make sure parent class pages are also done.