I love the smell of UnrealEd crashing in the morning. – tarquin

Legacy:EnhancedItems/Class Hierarchy

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This is the full class tree of all classes in the EnhancedItems package and their super classes. EnhancedItems classes are in bold font, EIChallengeHUD classes are italic.

 +- Actor
 |   +- Effects
 |   |   +- EIEffects
 |   |       +- PlayerShellEffect
 |   |           +- PlayerShell
 |   |           +- PlayerSphere
 |   +- Info
 |   |   +- LocalMessage
 |   |   |   +- LocalMessagePlus
 |   |   |       +- DeathMessagePlus
 |   |   |           +- EnhancedDeathMessage
 |   |   +- Mutator
 |   |       +- Arena
 |   |       |   +- EnhancedArena
 |   |       +- DMMutator
 |   |       |   +- EIDMMutator
 |   |       +- EnhancedMutator
 |   |           +- EIChallengeHUD
 |   |           |   +- CustomHUDIcon
 |   |           |       +- DefaultHUDIcon
 |   |           |       +- NoHUDIcon
 |   |           +- EIDeathMessageMutator
 |   |           +- EIUseHoldable
 |   |           +- NoAlwaysAutoActivate
 |   |           +- MIConverter
 |   +- Inventory (UT)
 |   |   +- MultiPickupPlus
 |   |   +- Pickup
 |   |   |   +- Ammo
 |   |   |   |   +- TournamentAmmo
 |   |   |   |       +- EnhancedAmmo
 |   |   |   +- TournamentPickup
 |   |   |       +- PickupPlus
 |   |   |       |   +- HoldablePowerup
 |   |   |       |   +- TimedPowerup
 |   |   |       +- ThighPads
 |   |   |       |   +- ThighPadsDummy
 |   |   |       +- UT_JumpBoots
 |   |   |       |   +- JumpBootsDummy
 |   |   |       +- UT_ShieldBelt
 |   |   |           +- ShieldBeltDummy
 |   |   +- Weapon (UT)
 |   |       +- TournamentWeapon
 |   |           +- EnhancedWeapon
 |   +- Projectile
 |   |   +- EnhancedProjectile
 |   +- SpawnNotify
 |       +- EIDeathMessageSpawnNotify
 +- UWindowBase
     +- UWindowList
     |   +- UWindowPulldownMenuItem
     |       +- EWindowPulldownMenuItem
     +- UWindowWindow
         +- UWindowClientWindow
         |   +- UWindowDialogClientWindow
         |       +- EWindowDialogClientWindow
         |       +- UWindowPageWindow
         |           +- UMenuPageWindow
         |               +- EWindowPageWindow
         +- UWindowDialogControl
             +- UWindowButton
             |   +- UWindowCheckbox
             |       +- EWindowCheckbox
             +- UWindowComboControl
             |   +– EWindowComboControl
             +- UWindowEditControl
             |   +- EWindowEditControl
             +- UWindowListControl
                 +- UWindowPulldownMenu
                     +- EWindowPulldownMenu
                         +- EWindowRightClickMenu

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