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UT :: Actor (UT) >> Pawn (UT) >> FlockPawn

These are quite easy, so i dont know why no-one did them before:

The flockpawns are:

  • Bird1
  • BiterFish
  • Bloblet
  • Horsefly
  • NaliRabbit

All of these (except the rabbit and the bird) need a FlockMasterPawn to work.

Heres how to use them all:

The Amoeba (Bloblet)[edit]

This is the most complicated flockpawn, and has only ever been used properly once (I think).

To work it, place several Bloblet actors in one area, then place the ParentBlob pawn (the controller of the bloblets) in the middle of the group. Open the properties of all the bloblets and the parentblob and change them to the same tag; add several triggers around your map and set the event to the amoeba's tag (to keep it constantly aggressive) and there you have a working amoeba!


  • I don't know if this works online, but it does offline.
  • Bloblets are immune against DamageType corroded.

Biter Fish[edit]

These are easier than bloblets, you just simply put the FlockMasterPawn in the level, then change the properties to control the number of fish, the fact that they are violent, and how far the fish swim from the master pawn. Horseflies work in the same way

Birds and Nali Rabbits[edit]

These are the easiest to work. Just place them in the level and watch them go! no master pawn needed

Ghost: With regards to the FlockMasterPawn Bird1, is it possible to export the Bird1 animation along with it's script sequence from UT over to UT2003?

Wormbo: You might be able to export it with the WOTgreal exporter or with the UT Package Tool. To import it just use the exec directives of the Bird1 class.

Ghost: That worked, thanks.

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