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Compiler errors overview

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 04:26, 22 April 2010 by 00zX (Talk | contribs) (UE3: - more warnings)

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Syntax Errors

Error, Failed to find DependsOn class 'interface name' while parsing 'class name' 
the Implements modifier in the class declaration contains an incorrect interface name value.
Error, Could not load existing package file 'package path' 
Error, Type mismatch in Call to 'function name', parameter number 
Error, Bad or missing expression in Call to 'function name', parameter number 
Error, Bad or missing expression for token: function, in 'Return' 
Error, Bad or missing expression for token: variable, in 'If' 
to note in this case the variable was an actor reference.
Error, Bad or missing expression after '+': 'variable name' : + being an incorrect operator usage?
Error, 'Ignores'
'ExecuteWhatToDoNext' is not a function


Warning, 'variable name' : local variable used before assigned a value
Warning, 'variable name' : unreferenced local variable
Warning, Unresolved reference to Class 'class name'
Warning, function: Missing return value
Warning, ObjectProperty Engine.MeshComponent:Materials.Materials: unresolved reference to 'object'
Warning, Invalid property value in defaults: property=property value


Failed to load 'object name': Failed to find object 'object name'

