I don't need to test my programs. I have an error-correcting modem.

Legacy:Axe56/Developer Journal

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The Page of Axe![edit]

(no not the deodorant haha)[edit]

Well I finally got around to creating a page on the wiki.

About Me[edit]

  • I mainly map, but I do have abstract ideas or ponderous ponderings occasionally and I will most likely post'em here!
  • I have been mapping for nearly 3 years now starting with Unreal, Moving to Unreal Tournament and now on Unreal Tournament 2003.
  • I have yet to get everything under my belt, so I learn something new everytime I need to...
  • Not sure if I'm alone here or not, but the editor isn't easy to master!
Maximum Velocity Paintball


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

April 10th, 2006[edit]

====Almost 3 years later eh? - I'm currently studying for a B.S. Degree in Game art and Design (past year and a half... nother year and a half to go... horray for halfway through!) -both mods have pretty much died, and the past year has been an insane experience of body and mind... horray for life no? -I'm excited to be working in unreal again, and have grand expectations for future maps =]

School is finally starting to get interesting, and it seems like I'll finally be able to start using all the knowledge I've gathered on the unreal engine. - this quarter requires my own private unreal level, as well, I'm workiing with 6 other students to create a unique and georgous level. (I'll post some screens when it's finished.)

July 10th, 2003[edit]

Well! It's been a lil while now hasen't it ;)[edit]

I'm still working with this map you see below, haha, I've learned quite a bit with terrain functions (more I know) haha.

I now have my own website which I do update rather regularly, but it is still in the process of being "settled" into, so pardon my dust! http://tower56.urfclan.com

April 20th, 2003[edit]

Nature Is Wonderful[edit]

Well, I've been learning much about decolayers, layers, and lighting, distance fog, and everything else! Here's some screenshots of what I've been able to produce, and I am very happy with how things are going.

Copy Paste the address below to see a large image if you so wish to.

<img src="http://www.unrealism.com/blackwidow/images/axemap/natural01.jpg" width="200" height="150" border="0">


<img src="http://www.unrealism.com/blackwidow/images/axemap/3.gif" width="200" height="150" border="0">


<img src="http://www.unrealism.com/blackwidow/images/axemap/7.gif" width="200" height="150" border="0">


Hopefully I'll have time to develop this page as I go.



ZxAnPhOrIaN: Congrats on creating your own developer journal page! ;)