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UT2003 :: Object >> Material >> Combiner (Package: Engine)

Combines two materials possibly using a third material as mask.


EAlphaOperation AlphaOperation 
Operation used to combine the alpha channels of the materials. See EAlphaOperation enum below.
EColorOperation CombineOperation 
Operation used to combine the RGB channels of the materials. See EColorOperation enum below.
bool InvertMask 
Inverts the mask's alpha channel?
Material Mask (editinlineuse
Material used as the mask.
Material Material1 (editinlineuse
First material.
Material Material2 (editinlineuse
Second material.
bool Modulate2X / bool Modulate4X 
These parameters only have an effect with the CombineOperation is CO_Multiply. These allow you to get a result brighter than either original. Modulate2X doubles the resultant RGB values from the multiplication, and Modulate4X quadruples the resultant RGB values from the multiplication. Modulate4X overrides Modulate2X if both are set to true.



Use the mask material's alpha channel as the new alpha channel.
Multiply the alpha channel values of the two materials.
Add the alpha channel values of the two materials.
Use the first material's alpha channel as the new alpha channel.
Use the second material's alpha channel as the new alpha channel.


Use only the first material's RGB channels for the resulting material.
Use only the second material's RGB channels for the resulting material.
Multiply the RGB values or the two materials. Note that they are multiplied as fractions, with 255 being 1.0 and 0 being 0.0. Thus, the result of any multiplication will be DARKER than either of the originals. (Unless one of the originals is 255, in which case no change will occur.) See also Modulate2X and Modulate4X above.
Add the RGB values of the two materials.
Subtract the second material's RGB values from the first material's RGB values.
The mask's alpha channel determines, how much of each material is visible. Transparent parts of the mask mean use more of the first material and opaque parts of the mask mean use more of the second material. (I think)
Use the mask material's RGB channels for the resulting material.

External links[edit]