I love the smell of UnrealEd crashing in the morning. – tarquin
Legacy:Console Bar
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
The console bar is the area at the bottom of the UnrealEd Interface.
UnrealEd 3[edit]
- UnrealEd's console. Text commands can be typed in here. Most of them are equivalent to actions in the rest of the interface, but some of UnrealEd's features can only be accessed here. See UnrealEd Console for the list.
- Opens the log window. Some console commands produce output here.
- funny lock icon
- Snap to vertex toggle. Green when active.
- Snap to grid toggle. Green when active.
- Grid size. See Snap to Grid or Grid for more on using the grid.
- Snap to Rotation Grid toggle.
- Maximize active viewport toggle.
- DrawScale3D – these 3 boxes show the value of the Display -> DrawScale3D property for the currently selected Actor(s). Useful for quickly changing the size of Static Meshes.
UnrealEd 2[edit]
- UnrealEd's console. Text commands can be typed in here. Most of them are equivalent to actions in the rest of the interface, but some of UnrealEd's features can only be accessed here. See UnrealEd 2 Console for the list.
- Opens the log window. Some console commands produce output here.
- Snap to vertex toggle. Green when active.
- Snap to grid toggle. Green when active.
- Grid size. See Snap to Grid or Grid for more on using the grid.
- Snap to Rotation Grid toggle.
- Maximize active viewport toggle.