Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.
Legacy:Console Commands/General Console Commands
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
What follows is a definition of all of the console commands that are in general use across all versions of the Unreal Engine.
- SAY <message string>
- Broadcast a message to other players in the game.
- SETNAME <newname> || NAME <newname>
- Change your name (works in network play too).
- Commit suicide.
- TEAMSAY <message string>
- Broadcast a message to your teammates.
- This pauses the current game. In networked games you will have to be logged in as an administrator to use this command. See Console Commands/Admin Console Commands.
- This command throws your current weapon to the ground.
- This command saves a screenshot into the Unreal Engine game's System directory.
- This command changes your field of view. NOTE: In Devastation this command is largely disabled.
- This command can be used to reload the current weapon. Not implemented in all Unreal Engine games although available for mods.
- This command can be used to activate the currently selected inventory item. Not implemented in all Unreal Engine games although available for mods.
- Causes any ScriptedSequence in contact with the player's pawn to call it's UsedBy function. This is intended for triggers that need to be explicityly activated by a button press.
- KEYNUMBER <keyname>
- Returns Interactions.EInputKey index.
- KEYNAME <keyindex>
- Returns specifed Interactions.EInputKey in meatbag-friendly form.
- Returns specifed Interactions.EInputKey in localized, meatbag-friendly form (unconfirmed).
- KEYBINDING <keyname>
- Returns action bound to specified key.
- Returns comma-separated list of keys with specified action bound to them.
- Returns numbers of keys with specified action bound to them.
- Returns comma-separated list of actions with names starting with "text".