Command |
Description |
behindview 0 |
Sets the players view to first-person. |
behindview 1 |
Sets the players view to third-person. |
freecamera 1/0 |
Locks player rotation (still allowing for 'WASD' movement) and allows camera rotation around player. |
fov x |
Change your current field of view to x degrees |
suicide |
Causes the player character to die. |
say <message string> |
Broadcast a message to other players in the game. |
throwweapon |
This command throws your current weapon to the ground. |
shot |
This command saves a screenshot into the Unreal Engine game's System directory. |
set input key (pipe key) action |
Binds an action to a particular primary key. eg:set input B pipe key tosscash 1 shift backslash = pipe key [a pic for the eg command] |
%a/%h/%l/%s/%w |
This command was used in say or teamsay eg:set input x teamsay Current %h show your Current health |
Command |
Description |
demoplay demoname |
Plays the specified demo demoname |
demorec demoname |
Records a demo as demoname |
stopdemo |
Stops recording of a demo |
Command |
Description |
show actors |
Toggles display of all actors |
show bsp |
Toggles display of BSP |
show collision |
Toggles display of simple collision |
show coronas |
Toggles display of Coronas |
show fluid |
Toggles display of fluid |
show fog |
Toggles display of DistanceFog |
show sky |
Toggles display of sky |
show staticmeshed |
Toggles display of StaticMeshes |
show paths |
Toggles display of Bot paths |
show volumes |
Toggles display of Bot volumes |
Command |
Description |
memstat |
Displays Windows memory usage |
stat all |
Displays all statistics |
stat anim |
Displays animation statistics |
stat audio |
Displays audio statistics |
stat fps |
Displays current and average frames per second |
stat game |
Displays game statistics |
stat hardware |
Displays hardware statistics |
stat light |
Displays dynamic light statistics (this will bug off when wave is start) |
stat net |
Displays network statistics |
stat none |
Turns off all statistics |
stat render |
Displays rendering statistics |
Command |
Description |
disconnect |
Disconnects from current server |
exit or quit |
Quits the game |
open address |
Connects to the server at address |
preferences |
Opens the preferences window in Windows |
reconnect |
Reconnects to current server |
report |
Copies game info to the clipboard |
showlog |
Opens the game log in Windows |
setname(name) |
change player name |
togglefullscreen |
switch between windowed and full screen view |
setres WxH |
Same as in-game Resolution option |
Rendering tweaks
Note: Only available in solo mode.
Command |
Description |
rend blend |
Renders normally with mesh overlay |
rend bone |
Renders bones |
rmode 1 |
Wireframe only |
rmode 2 |
Zone view |
rmode 3 |
Use textures |
rmode 4 |
Turns all BSP white. Normal lighting for statics. |
rmode 5 |
Normal rendering |
rmode 6 |
No shadows |
rmode 7 |
Lighting mode |
rmode 8 |
Visualizing overdraw mode |
Note: The "enablecheats" command must be entered before any cheats can be activated, and only works in single-player.
Command |
Description |
Allammo |
999 ammo for every weapon |
Arsenal |
Gives All KF Weapons |
ArmorUp |
Everyone has full armor |
AssaultMe |
Gives Rifle Weapons |
bombs |
Gives all explosive weapons |
backup |
Spawns a bot. The bot doesn't kill or defend itself. |
ChangeSize x from 0 to 5 |
Scale the player's size to be x default size |
Enablecheats |
Enables cheats. Disables perk leveling and Steam achievements. |
Fly |
Flight mode |
FlameUp |
Give Flamethrower |
Freezeall |
Freeze everyting. |
FreezeFrame X |
After the time tick X,it will auto pause game |
Ghost |
Noclip mode |
God |
God mode |
Heal |
Heals the player |
Horde |
Spawns a RandomZombie around you. |
Imrich |
Gives 10,000 cash |
KillViewedActor |
use it to kill the bot Viewed |
Loaded |
Gives 999 ammo for every weapon |
LockCamera |
Lock the Camera or not lock |
Meleeme |
Gives all melee weapons |
Meds |
Gives Medic Weapons |
MopUp |
Show The number of zombies in this map was. |
PatRage |
Forcing the Patriarch to do his radial attack. |
Phil |
God |
Pistols |
Gives all pistol weapons |
Playersonly |
Freezes everything except players |
ReviewJumpSpots |
spawn a bot and use the bot Viewed,and show the word. |
Rifleme |
Gives rifle weapons |
Gives SMG Weapons |
SetFlash |
flash screen |
Setgravity x |
Lets you modify the gravity of the current game (-950 = normal gravity). |
Setjump x |
Lets you modify the jump height of the current game. |
Shotty |
Gives all shotguns |
Slomo x |
Lets you modify the game speed of the current game (1 = normal speed). |
Sniper |
Gives Sniper Weapons |
Summon |
Summon string ClassName (like Summon kfchar.zombieclot) |
ShowDebug |
can see the path and a lot of word |
Teleport |
Allows You to teleport to the surface (or wall) at your crosshair. |
ViewPlayer |
ViewSelf |
ViewZombie |
Walk |
Disables flying and/or noclip mode |
WinMatch |
Win! |
Command |
Description |
adminlogin password |
Logs you in as admin using password |
admin adminsay message |
Displays message in the middle of each player's screen |
admin map KF-mapname.rom |
Changes current map to KF-mapname.rom |
admin set engine.gameinfo gamedifficulty x |
Changes difficulty level of the next map to x (where 1 = Beginner, 2 = Normal, 4 = Hard, 5 = Suicidal, 7 = Hell on Earth) |
pause |
Pauses the game |
admin Kick |
remove a user from the game. A user can either be their ID (as shown by kick list) |
admin KickBan |
Ban a user from the game. A user can either be their ID (as shown by kick list) |
admin RestartMap |
Restart Current Map. |
admin NextMap |
Go to NextMap. |