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Legacy:DM-Siesmic Canyon Files
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
DM-Siesmic_Canyon_Part01.7z Part #01 of the tutorails asociated file, hosted on FileFront.
Size: 14.76 MB (15,480,938 Bytes)
Contains the following directory structure...
- Static Meshes
- SteamVent.ASE - one of the meshes described in the tutorail.
- SteamVent_Dual.ASE - A variant of SteamVent.ASE, not described in the tutorial, yet similar to the other.
- Textures
- AlphaMaps
- SteamParticleBlend.bmp - A 3 Alpha Blend texture 512x512 used to shape and color the steam rising from the vents.
- Diffuse Textures
- Mud_Diffuse.bmp - A tileable seemless texture that looks like mud.
- Soil_Diffuse.bmp - A tileable seemless texture that looks like soil.
- Normal Maps
- Mud_Normal.bmp - A tileable seemless normal map that is used to give texture to the mud.
- Soil_Normal.bmp - A tileable seemless normal map that is used to give texture to the soil.
- Original Images
- Mud.jpg - The original image used to make the mud textures.
- Sand0062_L.jpg - The original image used to make the soil textures.
- AlphaMaps
- UT3
- UTGame
- Published
- CookedPC
- CustomMaps
- DM-SiesmicCanyonPart-01.ut3 - A playable demo of the finished product of the first tutorial part.
- CustomMaps
- CookedPC
- Published
- UTGame
You can use these files to work along with the tutorial, or even use the methods described to produce your own variants.