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This class is part of the EnhancedItems package by Wormbo.
- Keeps the Translocator.
- Also checks Legacy:EnhancedItems/MultiPickupPlus for correct item classes.
- bool bMIConverterSpawned
- Whether the Legacy:EnhancedItems/MIConverter was already spawned.
- string KeepClasses[10]
- Classes which should not be removed by this mutator.
Inherited From Mutator (UT)
- bool AlwaysKeep(Actor (UT) Other)
- Spawns the Legacy:EnhancedItems/MIConverter if a Chaos UT MultiItem is found. Otherwise makes sure the Arena weapon and ammo types are not removed.
- bool CheckReplacement(Actor (UT) Other, out byte bSuperRelevant)
- Works like Arena.CheckReplacement(), except that it doesn't remove the KeepClasses.
New Functions
- bool AlwaysKeepInMPP(Legacy:EnhancedItems/MultiPickupPlus Other, class<Inventory (UT)> ItemClass)
- Returns, whether the specified Inventory (UT) class should not be removed from a Legacy:EnhancedItems/MultiPickupPlus
- bool CheckMPP(Legacy:EnhancedItems/MultiPickupPlus Other)
- Allows the mutator to modify a Legacy:EnhancedItems/MultiPickupPlus.
- bool ClassIsA(Class aClass, coerce string DesiredType)
- Returns, whether a class is of a specified type.
- bool OtherIsA(Actor (UT) Other, name DesiredType)
- Returns, whether an actor is of a specified type.
- SpawnMIConverter( )
- Spawns the Legacy:EnhancedItems/MIConverter if this wasn't done yet.
Known Subclasses
- ArenaMatchMutator (Arena Match)
- ClawArena (Enhanced Chaos Items)
- ComboInstaGibDM (Combo InstaGib)
- CrossbowArena (Enhanced Chaos Items)
The two Enhanced Chaos Items mutators give the player three weapons and the corresponding ammo instead of only one. Arena Match is a configurable Arena mutator.