There is no spoon
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Defines a goal for an errand.
- var() name TriggerOnCompletionTag
- After the errand is complete, triggers all actors with the matching tag.
- var() name HateClass
- After the errand is complete, this set of pawns will hate the player on sight.
- var() name HateDesTex
- Texture for the description of the hate group
- var() name HatePicTex
- Texture for a picture of the hate group
- var() name HateComment
- Sound for dude commenting on hate group.
Known Subclasses[edit]
ErrandGoal +- ErrandGoalGetInvClass | +- ErrandGoalGetAmmoMax | +- ErrandGoalGetInvClassFromPerson +- ErrandGoalGetPickup | +- ErrandGoalDropOffPickup +- ErrandGoalGiveInventory +- ErrandGoalKillMe +- ErrandGoalTag +- ErrandGoalTalkTo +- ErrandGoalTriggeredAction +- ErrandGoalUrineQuotaMet