I love the smell of UnrealEd crashing in the morning. – tarquin
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Postal 2 :: Actor >> Controller >> AIController >> ScriptedController >> FPSController (Package: FPSGame)
Intermediate between the engine's Controller classes and Postal 2's AI controllers.
- bool bPendingStasis
- The pending status of how you want to be in stasis.
- float TargetRadius
- How close to go to your target
- native final latent function MoveToWithRadius(vector NewDestination, optional Actor ViewFocus, optional float UseRadius, optional float speed, optional bool bShouldWalk)
- native final latent function MoveTowardWithRadius(actor NewTarget, optional Actor ViewFocus,optional float UseRadius, optional float speed, optional float DestinationOffset, optional bool bUseStrafing, optional bool bShouldWalk)
- function PartnerReviveFromStasis(FPSPawn Reviver)
- function bool FreeToSeekPlayer()
- event ComeOutOfStasis(bool bDontRenew)
- event ReviveFromStasis()
- function GoIntoSliderStasis()
Set Up Functions (from Spawner etc.)[edit]
- function SetToAttackPlayer(FPSPawn PlayerP)
- Find the player and kick his butt
- function SetToPanic()
- Run away screaming
- function SetToBeScaredOfPlayer(FPSPawn PlayerP)
- Find the player and be scared of him
- function SetToAttackTag(Name AttackTag)
- Find the closest actor with this tag and kick his butt
- function SetToBeScaredOfTag(Name RunTag)
- Find the closest actor with this tag and be scared of him
- function SetToDance()
- Dance forever until disturbed
- function SetToPlayArcadeGame()
- Stand here and play an arcade game
- function SetToKeyboardType()
- Stand here and type on a keyboard
- function SetToStandInQ()
- Find StartInterest and stand in it
- function SetToHoldPosition()
- Stand around where you are, like a cop/security guard
- function SetToStandWithGun()
- Stand with gun at side. (doesn't report gun)
- function SetToStandWithGunReady()
- Stand with gun out, ready to shoot (doesn't report gun)
- function SetToTurret()
- Stand with gun out, ready to shoot (doesn't report gun)
- function SetToKickNearest()
- Find the nearest person and kick him
- function SetToWatchPlayer(FPSPawn PlayerP)
- Find a player and watch him until you get bored
- function SetToConfusedWatchPlayer(FPSPawn PlayerP)
- Find a player, act confused and watch him, then get bored
- function SetToCheerPlayer(FPSPawn PlayerP)
- Player gets clapped at
- function SetToLaughAtPlayer(FPSPawn PlayerP)
- Player gets laughed at
- function SetToFindCop(FPSPawn PlayerP)
- Find a cop and sic him on the player
- function SetToPatrolJail()
- For cops in jail
- function function SetToDead()
- Start dead.
Known Subclasses[edit]
FPSController +- LambController +- AnimalController | +- CatController | +- DogController | +- ElephantController | +- CowController +- PersonController +- BystanderController | +- CashierController | | +- BankTellerController | | | +- DaveController | | +- CitationController | | | +- LibraryController | | +- FFCashierController | | | +- ButcherController | | | +- GaryController | | | +- KrotchyController | | | +- LaundryController | | | +- PriestController | | +- HabibController | | +- NapalmController | | | +- JunkyardController | | | +- ParcelController | | +- NurseController | +- GimpController | +- KumquatController | +- MarcherController | | +- BandController | | +- ProtestorController | +- MuggerController | +- RedneckController | +- RobberController | +- RWSController | +- SeekerController | +- VinceController +- PoliceController +- MilitaryController