Mostly Harmless


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Postal 2 :: Actor >> Controller >> AIController >> ScriptedController >> FPSController (Package: FPSGame)

Intermediate between the engine's Controller classes and Postal 2's AI controllers.



bool bPendingStasis 
The pending status of how you want to be in stasis.
float TargetRadius 
How close to go to your target


native final latent function MoveToWithRadius(vector NewDestination, optional Actor ViewFocus, optional float UseRadius, optional float speed, optional bool bShouldWalk)
native final latent function MoveTowardWithRadius(actor NewTarget, optional Actor ViewFocus,optional float UseRadius, optional float speed, optional float DestinationOffset, optional bool bUseStrafing, optional bool bShouldWalk)
function PartnerReviveFromStasis(FPSPawn Reviver)
function bool FreeToSeekPlayer()
event ComeOutOfStasis(bool bDontRenew)
event ReviveFromStasis()
function GoIntoSliderStasis()

Set Up Functions (from Spawner etc.)[edit]

function SetToAttackPlayer(FPSPawn PlayerP) 
Find the player and kick his butt
function SetToPanic() 
Run away screaming
function SetToBeScaredOfPlayer(FPSPawn PlayerP) 
Find the player and be scared of him
function SetToAttackTag(Name AttackTag) 
Find the closest actor with this tag and kick his butt
function SetToBeScaredOfTag(Name RunTag) 
Find the closest actor with this tag and be scared of him
function SetToDance() 
Dance forever until disturbed
function SetToPlayArcadeGame() 
Stand here and play an arcade game
function SetToKeyboardType() 
Stand here and type on a keyboard
function SetToStandInQ() 
Find StartInterest and stand in it
function SetToHoldPosition() 
Stand around where you are, like a cop/security guard
function SetToStandWithGun() 
Stand with gun at side. (doesn't report gun)
function SetToStandWithGunReady() 
Stand with gun out, ready to shoot (doesn't report gun)
function SetToTurret() 
Stand with gun out, ready to shoot (doesn't report gun)
function SetToKickNearest() 
Find the nearest person and kick him
function SetToWatchPlayer(FPSPawn PlayerP) 
Find a player and watch him until you get bored
function SetToConfusedWatchPlayer(FPSPawn PlayerP) 
Find a player, act confused and watch him, then get bored
function SetToCheerPlayer(FPSPawn PlayerP) 
Player gets clapped at
function SetToLaughAtPlayer(FPSPawn PlayerP) 
Player gets laughed at
function SetToFindCop(FPSPawn PlayerP) 
Find a cop and sic him on the player
function SetToPatrolJail() 
For cops in jail
function function SetToDead() 
Start dead.

Known Subclasses[edit]

+- LambController
   +- AnimalController
   |  +- CatController
   |  +- DogController
   |  +- ElephantController
   |     +- CowController
   +- PersonController
      +- BystanderController
      |  +- CashierController
      |  |  +- BankTellerController
      |  |  |  +- DaveController
      |  |  +- CitationController
      |  |  |  +- LibraryController
      |  |  +- FFCashierController
      |  |  |  +- ButcherController
      |  |  |  +- GaryController
      |  |  |  +- KrotchyController
      |  |  |  +- LaundryController
      |  |  |  +- PriestController
      |  |  +- HabibController
      |  |  +- NapalmController
      |  |  |  +- JunkyardController
      |  |  |  +- ParcelController
      |  |  +- NurseController
      |  +- GimpController
      |  +- KumquatController
      |  +- MarcherController
      |  |  +- BandController
      |  |  +- ProtestorController
      |  +- MuggerController
      |  +- RedneckController
      |  +- RobberController
      |  +- RWSController
      |  +- SeekerController
      |  +- VinceController
      +- PoliceController
         +- MilitaryController

Related Topics[edit]